

Adam Clark

Anders Qvist

Anton Korner

Fredrik Lysén

Gugge Alkman

Gus Johansson

Hanessa Milaszewski

Jan Frick

Jimmy Dao

Joel Jerkin

Johan Nilsson

Jonas Agblad

Jonas Back

Jonas Brammesjö

Linus Lysell

Milton Dahl

Oliwer Sundgren

Rasmus Kindberg

Rebecca Liljemark

Rickard Carlsson

Robert Skyllberg

Sebastian Stegrin

Simon Gottschlag

Stina Perbo

Tobias Sandberg

Tobias Vuorenmaa









Virtual Apps and Desktops


WorkSpace App


Citrix Cloud






Active Directory







Office 365

Skype for Business

System Center



Windows Server


Palo Alto







Virtual Workspace

Event Triggers – Does it match or not?

1 year ago | Johan Nilsson

Our way of keeping track of Azure Costs are heavily based on the cost export from Azure Cost Management Exports. These cost exports are based on Daily- and Monthly Actual Cost & Daily- and Monthly Amortized Cost. The exports are more or less the same.  An ordinary Azure Cost export,…

Choo Choo! All Aboard the Copilot Train – finally time for everyone to board! 🚞

1 year ago | Adam Clark

Yesterday Microsoft announced a revamped licensing model for its Copilot initiative together with the introduction of a new license, the Copilot Pro license. This aligns very well with Microsoft’s vision to bring the power of generative AI to everyone across work and life.  The Copilot Pro license…

PIM and CA with Authentication Context

1 year ago | Fredrik Lysén

Increase protection with Strong Auth and Named locations on PIM Activation Today almost every organization is using MFA to protect users and data. But since there are many ways to hack MFA, how do we increase the protection of your Azure environment or other PIM enabled resources, groups or applications?…

5 PowerToys features to enhance your productivity

1 year ago | Gugge Alkman

Microsoft PowerToys is a set of utilities for power users to tune and streamline their Windows experience for greater productivity. In this post I have curated my top 5 PowerToys features to help enhance productivity. FancyZones & the FancyZones Editor Create custom window layouts to help make multi-tasking easier…

Attribute Editor not showing when searching in Active Directory

1 year ago | Milton Dahl

When you use the ”Find” feature in Active Directory you might have experienced that Attribute Editor does not show up as an alternative on the object. This is usually resolved by not searching to begin with and instead clicking your way through the…

A Journey to Banish Ancient TeamViewer Devices

1 year ago | Sebastian Stegrin

I've been using TeamViewer for a while now, and something I completely missed is that they have an API that you can utilize with PowerShell. So, the purpose of this post is to show you how to identify old devices in TeamViewer that can be deleted.

Hold my applications, Store for Business is soon removed!

1 year ago | Sebastian Stegrin

In September this year the old Microsoft Store for Business will be totally removed from Intune and hopefully you haven't forgot about it! Right?! 😎 Also since June this year no apps added from the Store for Business is no longer being updated. Hold my applications, what should I do now?! Is there any type of replacement for this? Don't you worry, of course there is!

A safe(r) way to extract M365 users

1 year ago | Johan Nilsson

DISCLAIMER: This solution is NOT fully optimized. We put a WORKING solution together and have yet to ”clean up”.We cannot recommend that this will work for everyone. It is recommend that you have basic knowledge in Powershell, Function Apps and pipelines (either Synapse or Data Factory) before applying this…

How to renew Azure MFA Certificate for ADFS Server

2 years ago | Oliwer Sundgren

ADFS may be an old system but it’s still used is enterprise environments. If you have integrated Azure MFA with ADFS then you may have noticed that there is a certificate used to tie together your ADFS servers with the Azure MFA service principal in your Azure AD tenant,…

Setup registration for Teams webinars

2 years ago | Oliwer Sundgren

If you want to level up the way you’re scheduling Teams meetings, look no further! Creating a Teams meeting with required registration has a lot of positive and cool features. For example You can publish a link to a registration form, where participants will get information about spekers, fill in…

Why do you need a 3rd party Microsoft 365 Backup?

2 years ago | Jonas Back

If you look beyond the sales pitch of 3rd party Microsoft 365 Backup solutions – why, really, do you need to backup your Microsoft 365 data using a 3rd party product? We at Xenit know all about what native Microsoft 365 protection offers. We know about Deleted Items, Recycle Bins,…

Doubling Datadog as a test suite

2 years ago | xenit

Doubling Datadog as a test suite   This is a small post on a development strategy that I stumbled upon recently. I have come to realize that datadog can double as a pretty decent test suite. According to test driven development one should write tests. That’s what we have all…

Hey Office, you’re looking really good!

2 years ago | Sebastian Stegrin

About a year ago Microsoft announced a new design language in Office. Yes, both the web and Windows (10 & 11), and now it's here! With a new fresh graphical language in Windows 11 this update for Office is really welcome as it is really stunning! You get an Office that has more rounded corners and a theme that will match the dark, or light theme in Windows.

ADFS – How to create custom rules for missing attribute

2 years ago | Oliwer Sundgren

ADFS is a very powerful tool that is a native Windows Server role. It used to be the go-to system for a Windows administrator for setting up SSO and federation capabilities to LOB and SaaS apps. Even if Azure and other Identity providers are more frequently used in todays cloud…

Monitor Teams Room Systems in Microsoft 365

2 years ago | Oliwer Sundgren

Teams Room systems have been around for a while now, but organisations have started to use them more and more in order to provide a better hybrid meeting experience due to remote work and the ”Work from anywhere” mindset. That’s great of course! But then one day, you enter…

Retrieve files of specific filetype in Sharepoint site using PowerShell

2 years ago | Oliwer Sundgren

I recently got tasked  with compiling a list of all the MP4 and MOV files in a SharePoint site to see how many files there were, where they all were located in the site and also how big each file was. So naturally I turned to Powershell and put…

Twelve-factor app anno 2022

2 years ago | Anders Qvist

The Twelve-factor app is a methodology for building software-as-a-service apps that was first formulated by developers associated with Heroku. It’s been ten years since the first presentation of this methodology. Despite the criticism that it is only applicable to Heroku and similar webapp services, it remains a…

Device marked as Not Compliant after upgrading encryption

2 years ago | Sebastian Stegrin

A while ago I started to upgrade the encryption on some devices to 256 from 128, but I noticed one issue while doing so. Intune marked some computers as Not Compliant for some reason which I still don't know why. I opened a Microsoft-case regarding this but I managed to solve it myself and will therefore give you my solution to this down below since Microsoft didn't have an answer to as why this happened.

Having CPU-issues while Windows Defender scan your computer? Too bad

3 years ago | Sebastian Stegrin

This will probably be my first article ever that won’t give you a solution, but just a description of a problem. One of our customer had issues with CPU being maxed out on some computers when Windows Defender was scanning. We tried to limit the CPU with the help of…

Delete Citrix Workspace stores via registry

3 years ago | Sebastian Stegrin

Recently I got the question if you can delete one of several stores in the Citrix Workspace-application by a script. Of course is that possible! After several tests I found that you need to go thru the following folders to completely remove a store from your Citrix Workspace-application. After you…

Citrix Cloud Scaling – Part 3

3 years ago | Jonas Agblad

To be able to scale has never been this important, when the load is situated in the cloud the cost savings is substantial and to be perfectly honest, its about time we use what we need, not more, not less, just the right amount! When facing important questions like carbon…

How to update third-party applications

3 years ago | Sebastian Stegrin

In almost all IT environments administrators have to take care of third-party applications. In this article we will talk about how to make your life as an application administrator easier. One example I’m still not used with is that I find many organizations installing Google Chrome. Why? Because their users…

Dare to gather feedback from your users!

3 years ago | Sebastian Stegrin

During the time I’ve been working with IT in general I’ve noticed a lack of feedback from users, well maybe not the negative feedback. That’s something I hope I can change in the future, at least for some of you, with the help of this article. The feedback IT departments…

Feeling MEM Powered? Be a MEM Insider

3 years ago | Sebastian Stegrin

This article will be less of the technical goodies that I use to post about. Instead I will tell you more about different MEM sources that is good to know about! I’m fairly new in the Microsoft Endpoint Manager community, at least if you compare to some of the veterans…

Citrix Cloud Scaling – Part 2

3 years ago | Jonas Agblad

To be able to scale has never been this important, when the load is situated in the cloud the cost savings is substantial and to be perfectly honest, its about time we use what we need, not more, not less, just the right amount! When facing important questions like carbon…

Citrix Cloud Scaling – Part 1

3 years ago | Jonas Agblad

To be able to scale has never been this important, when the load is situated in the cloud the cost savings is substantial and to be perfectly honest, its about time we use what we need, not more, not less, just the right amount! When facing important questions like carbon…

Remove Windows Hello container

3 years ago | Tobias Sandberg

Hi, In some scenarios you might want to delete Windows Hello for Business sign-in information like PIN-code information for a specific user. With the following command that can be done if executed in user context. certutil /deletehellocontainer This can be useful if your on-premises environment cannot handle Windows Hello…

Applocker Statistics

3 years ago | Jonas Agblad

Why? To be able to monitor the behavior of your users can often be an expensive endeavor, and sometimes you just want to know that one thing that matters to you. I feel that, maybe especially, in a multiuser environment (when users is in a desktop mode), it’s really useful…

Automate recurring Out of Office with Powershell (Exchange Online)

3 years ago | tony.pham

On this guide, I will show you how to automate recurring Out of office with Powershell. Recommendations are: Use a service account with a strong password Disable MFA on service account Use Task Scheduler that has Exchange Online module installed Service Account I would recommend to use a service account…

How to connect to Powershell modules with predefined credentials

3 years ago | tony.pham

There are ways to bypass manual authentication where you need to fill in credentials. In this guide, I will show you a smart way to bypass this. This guide is for MFA-disabled/excluded users. OBS it’s not recommended. This is more for automate powershell script (in Task Scheduler) with service account.

Spara tid i Teams – 5 snabba tips!

3 years ago | Rebecca Liljemark

Spara tid i Teams – 5 snabba tips! Inga direkta nyheter i dagens blogg men dessa små tips är riktiga vinnare som är så bra att de förtjänar sin stund i rampljuset även om de funnits med som funktioner ett tag nu i Microsoft Teams. Tips nummer 1 Är…

Håll koll på ditt arbete i Microsoft Teams

3 years ago | Rebecca Liljemark

Håll koll på ditt arbete i Microsoft Teams Något jag slås av när jag är ute hos kunder är att många upplever det utmanande att gå över från Outlook till Teams, främst för svårigheterna att hålla koll på arbetsuppgifter du får till dig via chatt och inlägg i Microsoft Teams.

How to make a Linux Kernel and Header-rollback

3 years ago | Sebastian Stegrin

Due to dependency issues when I installed an application on the latest release of Ubuntu Server I had to do a kernel rollback. Therefore I will gladly share the steps that I took.

Using Azure Resource Graph to find orphan resources

3 years ago | Tobias Vuorenmaa

We all know how easy it is to create resources in Azure, and quite fast we will have multiple resources just because we created a single VM. Resources like managed disks, NIC:s, Availability sets and to mention a few. All these can be created by just spinning up a…

Cross tenant access for Storage account selected networks

3 years ago | Tobias Vuorenmaa

If you have been working with Azure you might have stumbled across the reality that what can be done in the portal GUI and CLI / Powershell differs.  Especially when it comes to cross tenant functions.  I had a case where we wanted to allow access to a storage account…

Mina favoritfunktioner i Teams

3 years ago | Rebecca Liljemark

Mina favoritfunktioner i Teams Nu när vi är dagliga användare av Teams och mer och mer av vårt dagliga arbete hamnar däri märker man att även de små tipsen ger stor effekt. Vilka funktioner i Teams har blivit dina favoriter? Använd gärna kommentarsfältet nedan för att tipsa, så lär vi…

Renew your Apple MDM Push Certificate

3 years ago | Sebastian Stegrin

Today I renewed an Apple MDM Push Certificate inside MEM (Intune) and would like to share with you on how to do it step by step. Microsoft have a great article that describes how to create a certificate and the process to renew it isn't too far away. Get an Apple MDM Push certificate for Intune | Microsoft Docs

Possible solution to Microsoft Teams won’t open or show anything

3 years ago | Sebastian Stegrin

I've noticed issues with Microsoft Teams during some time and would like to share my solution to this. I actually created a Microsoft-case about this but the support from Microsoft didn't seem to have a better solution themselves, and I believe that Microsoft should solve the problem that the Machince-Wide installer won't update itself. Anyway, here is how I solved it! :)

Keep your Apple-devices up to date with MEM

3 years ago | Sebastian Stegrin

Some days ago, information was released that Apple-devices that didn’t use the latest version of their respective OS was vulnerable. In this article I will describe one way to keep your Apple-devices up to date. I will start of by list some links to the exploits that is the real reason why I write this article. I will combine the use of both Compliance Policies and iOS – Update Policy, unfortunately there is no built-in policy to update macOS yet without scripts.

Open customized .aspx from SharePoint-library as a site

3 years ago | Anton Korner

According to Microsoft, the issue regarding open the .aspx sites from the SharePoint-Library are well known but the solution can be a little unclear if you ask me. The issue is that when we upload a customized .aspx site into our library and then try to open it, we would expect that our sites will open as a HTML page but instead it automatically download it as a file. When this occurs, this guide can be useful.

How to manage your Jabra devices

3 years ago | Sebastian Stegrin

Some time ago I tried to manage the settings in the Jabra Direct application, like turning off the notifications and set the preferred softphone to Microsoft Teams. While messing around with a configuration file that I published to all computers, I found out that Jabra actually have a free software called Jabra Xpress that support mass deployments and headset management.

How to verify that your devices are ready for Windows 11

3 years ago | Sebastian Stegrin

Since Windows 11 is getting closer and closer, it’s time for companies to prepare for the upgrade. Sometimes companies believe that it’s still far away in the future and therefore they do not need to take any action yet. But if you start to prepare the hardware right now, there will be one less thing to take care of in the upcoming migration. Microsoft recently announced new capabilities in Endpoint Analytics that give IT departments the tools they need in getting their devices ready for Windows 11. Endpoint Analytics is a very helpful Report and Remediation-tool in Microsoft Endpoint Manager.

Breakout rooms i Teams – skapa och administrera

3 years ago | Rebecca Liljemark

Guide – Så skapar och administrerar du Breakout rooms i Microsoft Teams.   ⇒ Starta mötet Du måste starta mötet innan du kan skapa rummen. När du har startat mötet ser du som organisatör till mötet symbolen för Breakout rooms i menyn upp till höger*: Symbol för breakout rooms…

Converting PVS Master to MCS – Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops

3 years ago | Gus Johansson

I have always been a promoter for Citrix Machine Creation Services (MCS) over Provisioning Services (PVS). When opportunity is given, and the technologies requirements allow for it, I always recommend MCS during new setups/installations. I have never converted a PVS master device to MCS and an inquiry to do so…

Xenit Kubernetes Framework

3 years ago | xenit

Bakgrund  För ungefär tre år sedan började Xenit leverera Kubernetes till kunder och stötte snabbt på en utmaning. Det finns väldigt många sätt att utföra en grunduppsättning, hur olika kringprodukter skall kombineras och hur drift och ansvar för plattformen skall se ut.   Frågor som följande kom upp snabbt efter att några kunder satts upp: …

BSOD on PVS master devices after Windows Updates

3 years ago | Gus Johansson

Short version: Windows Updates causing BSOD on PVS Master Device after updating XenServer PV Storage Host Adapter. During a ”regular” updates session running Windows Updates on two master devices for a PVS farm I faced a blue screen of death with the following error message: Immediately one started to…

Where is the new Room Finder on Outlook Desktop?

3 years ago | Jonas Back

IT- and Exchange admins responsible for managing Room mailboxes in Exchange Online has been struggling to understand WHY Microsoft has developed a new Room Finder in Outlook on the Web but kept the old booking experience in Outlook Desktop: The main reason IT admins gets confused is because the…

How to configure a scheduled task in Windows by using Task Scheduler

4 years ago | Sebastian Stegrin

There are many useful things that you can do in Task Scheduler inside Windows, but how do you actually configure it? I will try to guide you through it if this is your first time using it.   Task Scheduler is the perfect application to use when you want the computer to make things for you. With that said you often configure something one time and then it will take care of itself, more or less. Try to see this as a time saver, or a nice colleague that does these boring tasks for you, but you have to give the instructions. I will use one of the most used tasks as an example down below, and that will be to restart a computer a specific time once per week.

PowerToys – It has the tools you didn’t know you needed

4 years ago | Sebastian Stegrin

Microsoft PowerToys is a set of tools made for Windows that aren't built-in from scratch. All of my blog posts has a reason behind it and this case isn't any different. At my work computer I have 3 displays, on one of them I always have the same applications in the exact same position. The annoying thing is that every time I restart my computer I have to re-organize the applications again. That's why I'm happy when PowerToys was announced because this application solved the issue for me, and also some other things that I didn't even know was an issue before.

Nyheter i Kubernetes 1.20

4 years ago | Jimmy Dao

Kubernetes 1.20 är här! Det finns en hel drös med nyheter och förändringar som kan vara värt att spendera en liten stund på att gå igenom. Ett gäng större "major changes" och en heldel mindre fixar och API-förändringar. Vi listar några utvalda nyheter i denna version!

Dude, where’s my e-mail forward?

4 years ago | Jonas Back

Every time we come over a compromised Microsoft 365 account, one of the first actions the perpetrator took was to create e-mail forwarding rules to an external e-mail address. This enables them to infiltrate your business but still hides there presence and can go unnoticed for quite some time if…

Docker-stöd avvecklas för Kubernetes

4 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

Som de skriver i The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy – DON’T PANIC! Docker är många mindre komponenter, var av en kallas containerd – som har funnits ett bra tag och används nu för tiden som standard i Azure Kubernetes Service (i och med version 1.19). Om…

How to deploy applications to windows using Microsoft Endpoint Manager

4 years ago | xenit

Hi there & welcome, In this post I will describe how to deploy an application using Microsoft Endpoint Manager, formerly known as Intune on a very basic level. Endpoint Manager is the cloud version of System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) and is widely used by many…

Missing Teams Add-In for Microsoft Outlook

4 years ago | Christopher Körner

Earlier this year we received a new customer where they wanted to migrate every user to a new O365-environment. After this I received multiple tickets from users who's Teams Add-in did not show up In their Outlook application. After countless of tries mixing different settings, new profiles and searching high and low on the interweb, I still couldn't get the add-in to show. I then stumbled across a regedit command line that solved this temporary(until Teams receives a new update).

Converting output from a NoSql database to joined and structured CSV in Powershell

4 years ago | Stina Perbo Utas

I was tasked to export data from Microsoft Graph about users to CSV in order to build reports in Qlickview. The problem I had was that the user object in Microsoft Graph are polymorphic, meaning that the output we get are not required to have the same properties for…

Running Linux inside Windows 10 with Visual Studio Code

4 years ago | Stina Perbo Utas

Like most of the users in the world, I’m running a Managed Window 10 client, we enforce many polices such as applocker and more to enforce policies. This can sometimes be an problem when working with developer tools. Due to this problem businesses often look the other way when it…

Invoking commands on remote machines – FAST

4 years ago | Stina Perbo Utas

Invoking commands remotely on machines is something we must do from time to time, in many scenarios speed is a critical factor as the remote command could be in response to anything from a incident to security breach. Speed combined with large environments in the cloud with many clients/servers deallocated…

How to remove desktop icon when installing DWG TrueView 2021

4 years ago | Sebastian Stegrin

I recently had a case against one of our customers asking to update their application DWG TrueView to latest version 2021. One criteria was to remove the desktop icon, and we noticed quickly that all parameters that we found from earlier versions didn't work with this version. I first tried to remove the desktop icon with a PowerShell script, but later found out that the desktop icon is created once again when you start the application for the first time. To solve this I skipped all installation parameters and just removed the Component in the MSI-file that creates the desktop icon.  

Office365 ProPlus + Google Chrome = Bing

5 years ago | Robert Skyllberg

Starting February Microsoft will include an extension in Office365 ProPlus for Microsoft Search in Bing, which among other changes, will change your default search engine in Google Chrome to Bing. Microsoft released the table below as their tentative schedule for the different Office365 ProPlus update channels. However, this might…

Export users registry settings from NTUSER.DAT

5 years ago | Linus Lysell

In users profile folder, you find a hidden file called NTUSER.DAT. This file contains the users registry settings/values and for example it can be useful when you need to get registry settings from a corrupt profile. NTUSER.DAT will be found in the users profile folder (by default: C:\Users\% UserProfile%).

Securing Onedrive – Cleaning up unwanted sharing permissions

5 years ago | Stina Perbo Utas

OneDrive for Business is great! The administration tools provided is not! If you’re still reading you might agree with me when I say that Sharepoint Online admin center is far from the best experience when administrating anything related to OneDrive. Luckily we have access to everything we might need…

News in Teams for Virtualized Desktop Infrastructure

5 years ago | Robert Skyllberg

Microsoft recently announced the official support of running Microsoft Teams on Virtualized Desktop Infrastructure (VDI). In addition to this, Citrix was announced as the single certified ”Partner” for running Microsoft Teams on VDI, as the solution uniquely provides Audio/Video optimizations on (Citrix) Virtual Apps and Desktops. Microsoft and Citrix has…

"Authroization or Customer header is unavailable" while working with Citrix Cloud API

5 years ago | Stina Perbo Utas

While working with the Citrix Cloud monitor service is amazing, it is also quite unpredictable and we often experience bugs without any notice. The latest one is related to paging, where the nextLink is presented as http instead of https, which breaks recursive searches. Now this is not the hardest…

Don’t get phished this holiday season

5 years ago | Rickard Carlsson

Holiday season is coming closer and I would like to take this opportunity to discuss phishing since the amount of phishing attacks increases a lot during holiday season. According to Zscaler the amount of phishing attacks increased with 400% from October to November this year as…

Printers disappeared in Devices and Printers

5 years ago | Jonas Agblad

I recently troubleshooted an weird issue related to ”Devices and Printers” in an Citrix environment, I was really confused on why this suddenly started showing, and I do not yet know the reason behind it. But fortunately I found a solution, or workaround, call it whatever you want. Se in…

Unable to share control in Microsoft Teams

5 years ago | Jonas Agblad

I encountered an issue with Teams recently that had me quite puzzled. When sharing my screen, either directly with another person or through meetings in Teams I could not give permissions to share control, it was grayed out like the image below: I first thought this…

Issues using Microsoft DirectAccess with Citrix Cloud

5 years ago | Jonas Agblad

When migrating a Customer to Citrix Cloud I encountered a specific issue I had problem with finding the correct answer to when searching the internet. It’s an problem we solved long ago but when we migrated to Citrix Cloud we realized we could not solve it like before. Take a…

Profilhantering i Windows Virtual Desktop

5 years ago | Jan Frick

Hantering av användarprofiler är en viktig del i alla VDI miljöer och detsamma gäller även för Windows Virtual desktop (WVD). Med WVD så går Microsoft ifrån sin User Profile Disks (UPD) lösning som användes i RDS. Det rekommenderade sättet att hantera profiler för WVD är nu att använda sig av…

Manage Kubernetes with Azure ARC

5 years ago | Jimmy Dao

During Ignite there was some big news, one of them was Azure ARC. A couple of years ago Azure started to deliver Azure stack, further on Azure also provided DevOps which could be used within any environment and cloud. With Azure Arc Microsoft can also enable customers to move from…

På gång med Windows Virtual Desktop

5 years ago | Jan Frick

Windows Virtual Desktop har nu varit tillgänglig för allmänheten sedan några månader tillbaka. Produkten är fortsatt ny, och detta inlägget belyser två intressanta kommande nyheter. Applikationsleverans – MSIX App Attach Med App Attach så presenterar Microsoft en ny lösning för levereras av applikationer i en VDI-miljö. Microsoft vill gå ifrån…

Troubleshoot TPM issues

5 years ago | Sebastian Stegrin

The TPM-chip plays a bigger role today when devices need to be more secure. TPM is a small chip on the motherboard that stores RSA encryption keys, these keys are specific to your hardware. During the last year I've noticed 2 different types of errors regarding the TPM-chip and that's why I'm going to describe how I solved them.

Microsoft Access Driver Query is corrupt

5 years ago | Hanessa Milaszewski

INTRODUCTION Today I was involved in a particular incident where Windows Updates did its thing and broke something. This time it involved an update for Access, a database program provided by Microsoft, causing specific queries to output that they are corrupt. Due to its unclear nature at first, I thought I would write a quick blog post and hopefully spare other system administrators from at least some amount of head scratching.

Basic Troubleshooting in Windows 10

5 years ago | Sebastian Stegrin

In my role I receive a lot of incidents that needs to be solved. My mission is firstly to restore the service back to normal. Once the service is back to normal we can look at making any further changes so that the incident won't happen again. In this post I will focus my troubleshooting on the operating system Windows 10 and how I solve most of my cases. This is mostly focused on first line cases and pretty basic troubleshooting. Windows 10 is an operating system used in most enterprise environments that is widely known around the world. There are several different ways to troubleshoot in Windows, so lets start to list some of the basic tools you might want to use while troubleshoot.

Walkthrough of setting up on-premises data gateway for Power Bi

5 years ago | Gus Johansson

Hi and welcome to my walkthrough of setting up an on-premise data gateway. What is an on-premise data gateway? Microsoft has provided a very good answer to this question in the link within the question. If you are looking for an easy explanation: Connect your on-premise data securely…

Discover users running Legacy Authentication and why you need to disable it

5 years ago | Jonas Back

Are you running Exchange Online and still allow Basic Authentication (a.k.a. Legacy Authentication) for all users and not running MFA? Then you’re extremely exposed to attacks. Microsoft has announced the blocking of this on 13 Oct 2020 but the biggest problem is that you probably will get (and possibly…

Chrome tabs hang or crash with white screen

5 years ago | Gus Johansson

EDIT/UPDATE: The case seems to be resolved: Today we experienced major problems with the application Google Chrome in multi-user environments such as Citrix XenDesktop 7 (according to community forum IT-administrators are seeing this in many different types of environments, RDS, XenApp, XenDesktop, with different hypervisors, different…

Azure Active Directory Authentication with Open VPN

5 years ago | Jimmy Dao

Until recent you could connect to your VNet in Azure with certificate-based or RADIUS authentication but now Microsoft Azure support native Azure Active Directory authentication with Open VPN protocol. Azure AD integration with Open VPN enables user-based policies, multi-factor authentication (MFA) together with conditional access for P2S VPN. In…

Great new feature for O365 – reduce the amount of successful phishing attempts

5 years ago | Rickard Carlsson

As I wrote in my blogpost back in March, phishing is an attack concept where an attacker usually contacts a victim pretending to be from a trustworthy source to get information that they shouldn’t have gotten if they used their real identity. When an attacker targets specific individuals or groups…

Google QUIC Protocol & How to block in Palo Alto

5 years ago | Jimmy Dao

Google QUIC is a new protocol which is designed to make the web faster, QUIC stands for Quick UDP Internet Connection, commonly used in streaming media, VoIP services and gaming. This protocol is activated by default in Google Chrome and it’s also growing by a list of websites who have implemented this protocol. But why do we want to block this protocol in our firewalls? Most of the firewalls do not fully support or recognize QUIC traffic properly as “web traffic”, therefore it can’t log, report or inspect the traffic which is leaving us with a gap in our network’s security. I will cover a bit about QUIC and how you can secure your network by using Palo Alto Networks to block Google’s QUIC protocol.

ADFS Claims depending on multiple conditions such as group membership and password expiry

5 years ago | Tobias Sandberg

In this post I will quickly demonstrate how to achieve a ADFS Claims depending on two different conditions. This specific case is about the password expiry claims that we only want to show for users that are member in a specific Active Directory group. First we…

Varonis DatAdvantage – Verify continuous communication with all domain controllers

5 years ago | Rickard Carlsson

When you are using Varonis to monitor your environment it’s important to make sure that you don’t miss any critical events. One weakness in the current version of Varonis that I found out about is that you won’t get any notification if the event collection from one domain controller stops…

Netscaler – Configure Kerberos Authentication + LDAP Group/Attribute Extraction to achieve SSO for internal users

5 years ago | Rasmus Kindberg

SSO to Netscaler hosted web services for internal users: A request we receive from time to time from our Netscaler customers is that they would prefer internal users (users connected to the company’s LAN/Wifi or through VPN) to automatically get SSO when they browse to a load…

Login statistics with Director and Excel

5 years ago | Gus Johansson

Summary: Article describing how to extract data from Director and manipulating it in Excel for insights in your Citrix Enviroment.  Version of Director: 1906.1.0 Build 21 In the book From Control to Drift: The Dynamics of Corporate Information Infrastructures i was introduced to the term of transparency when it comes to…

Netscaler – Customizing messages when using "Enhanced authentication feedback" with RfWebUI Theme

5 years ago | Rasmus Kindberg

Some customers want to be able to provide more feedback to users when, for some reason, their logon to Netscaler fails or if the new password they specify during password change does not meet the AD’s password complexity requirements. Citrix has published the article that specifies how you…

Brief walk-through of Robocopy

5 years ago | Gus Johansson

I have stumbled upon technical scenarios which required special maneuvers requiring skills I did not possess. After some reading I was able to conclude that Windows environments have several ways to copy files from a to b: good old ctrl +c and ctrl +v, xcopy, Copy-Item and robocopy.

No more Basic Authentication for Exchange Online – what does that mean for us?

5 years ago | Jonas Back

Microsoft recently announced that they are turning off Basic Authentication in Exchange Online on October 13, 2020. This means a year for customers to adapt. But what does this mean in reality? In short, no more Basic Auth for: ActiveSync POP/IMAP Remote PowerShell This also means you will not be able…

Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 1909

5 years ago | Robert Skyllberg

Autumn is around the corner and Citrix has blessed our cold season with a new release of Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops. Below is a selection of changes implemented in release 1909: Director & Studio Machine Catalog tags Note: Only configurable from within PowerShell Delivery Group – Maximum delay timer…

Level up your incident response with DatAlert and Varonis

5 years ago | Rickard Carlsson

Varonis offers a great product that can be used for threat detection and response. It will help you identify and handle security incidents faster and more effective and it’s called DatAlert. In this blog post I’m going to discuss some of its features. With the DatAlert…

Powershell in the Cloud – Part 2 – Azure Function App – Creating HTTP APIs with Powershell

5 years ago | Stina Perbo Utas

This is the second post of the Powershell in the Cloud series, and will focus on executing Powershell code from Azure Function App. If you haven’t read part 1, I highly recommend it as we will be referencing to it PART 1 – Azure Automation – Managing your Infrastructure…

Powershell in the Cloud – Part 1 – Azure Automation – Managing your Infrastructure from the Cloud

5 years ago | Stina Perbo Utas

I recently held a talk about Powershell in the Cloud in Powershell User Group Sweden, this 3 part series is an attempt to refine and expand on that talk. The series will focus on the functionality rather than the code behind it as I want the content to be accessible…

Citrix ADC autoscale in AWS with terraform and Azure Pipelines

5 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

Citrix has released a feature that makes it possible to autoscale your Citrix ADCs (previously NetScaler) in AWS using their Citrix Application Delivery Management. You can read more about this feature here. The overview from Citrix looks like this: We have been using…

Useful Netscaler CLI commands, particularly for diagnostics/troubleshooting

5 years ago | Rasmus Kindberg

Over the last couple of years of working with the Citrix Netscaler product I’ve been noting down Netscaler cmds that I’ve found useful in various scenarios. The list of cmds I have saved up is quite big now, and I figured it would be helpful for other Netscaler admins to…

Azure AD authentication methods, MFA and SSPR insights and reports

5 years ago | Jonas Back

We’ve been rolling out MFA (Multi-Factor authentication) and SSPR (Self-Service Password Reset) for many customers last couple of years. It often takes time and requires preparations but done right it will succeed and once finished they users get used to it just as they get used logging in using MFA…

Evoko Liso – A stylish meeting room manager with the complete package!

5 years ago | Hanessa Milaszewski

INTRODUCTION Working majority of my time within an office setting, I am, as well as many other office workers, very aware with the procedure of booking meetings. Quickly summarized, this amounts to opening the enterprise’s chosen collaboration tool, inviting required attendees all while ensuring that there are available meeting rooms with the suitable equipment. Believe it or not, this common practice is often set for confusion which could be one of the many reasons that a whole market for various meeting equipment exists. One of these that had their surge within their market are so called room managers, which are meant to be mounted just outside of a meeting room while often having the ability to book the desired room directly or to display its availability during the day. Recently, I have been working with Evoko Liso Room Manager and would like to share my experience with it.

Installing and configuring SFTP server on Windows Server 2016

5 years ago | Rasmus Kindberg

For a recent customer engagement we needed to provide internal and external users with the ability to upload/download files through SFTP to a specific backend-server. For security reasons we decided to tunnel the SFTP traffic through the customer’s Netscaler, and so for this setup you need to do some Netscaler…

Two ways to set serial number in Intel BIOS

5 years ago | Linus Lysell

Background We are deploying computers with Intune and would give a name with their serial number. We recognized that Intel NUC doesn’t write the serial number in BIOS and have to set it to get it in the name. Intel VCUST Tool Download: Open CMD…

Using Azure blob to take fileserver backup

5 years ago | Linus Lysell

In this post we will go over how I use Azure blob to take backup on files on prem. Preface In our case we needed a scalable, long-term backup for our file share that has data that does not change often. Historically we have very rarely had to…

Rewrite or delete Server header using Citrix ADC CPX

5 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

A few days ago, I wrote a blog post about Using Citrix ingress controller with Azure Kubernetes Service. In this post, I’m going to show how easy it is to use the Custom Resource Definitions from Citrix to replace the Server header in an HTTP response, as well as…

FSLogix is finally available at Microsoft!

5 years ago | Jonas Agblad

Finally! The FSLogix agent has been released from Microsoft and can be downloaded here. This is great news, the new agent does not require a license so if your license is about to end, or you simply would like to implement the technology you are now able to! Documentation…

How to handle multiple spreadsheets from Excel in Powershell

5 years ago | Johan Nilsson

Background Most of us working with Powershell has encountered imports and exports of a CSV-file in Powershell, and most of the times this works seamlessly. This is because the Import-CSV function is a great way to get the single Excel sheet imported in to Powershell. However, I got a…

Attendees disappear from meeting invite in Outlook

5 years ago | Oliwer Sundgren

A few days ago I got a question from an end user that reported quite a strange issue regarding Meeting invites in Outlook. The user added a meeting room to the meeting invite, and then when the user added a distribution group to the invite, the meeting room and…

XenServer 5.x/6.x – Update expired license

5 years ago | Stina Perbo

INFORMATION If you are currently running a legacy Citrix Xenserver 5.x/6.x with a free license, be aware that you cannot renew the license by requesting a new license the old way. Trying to request a license from you will be presented with the following statement and unable to…

ClickOnce application suddenly blocked by AppLocker Group Policy

5 years ago | Hanessa Milaszewski

INTRODUCTION With the release of the Windows 7 and corresponding server operating system, the AppLocker technology has become a quintessential tool for system administrators to utilize. Thanks to it, administrators can restrict or allow end-users to run certain applications based on its publisher value, file path or even its unique file hash, all within an On-premise Domain-wide level. In other words, it is a given implementation within an enterprise environment to further defend itself from the many and various threats that can stem from executing suspicious programs. In this post however, I would like to share an isolated issue in which an already known application was suddenly blocked by an AppLocker Group Policy and how it being a ClickOnce executable required some creative thinking right on the spot.

Using Citrix ingress controller with Azure Kubernetes Service

5 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

I’ve had an Ansible playbook to deploy and configure Azure Kubernetes Service on GitHub for a while, and now I’ve gotten around to add Citrix ingress controller! You can read my other blogpost about the playbook here. Citrix has a Kubernetes controller to read ingress objects…

Deploy Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) using Ansible

5 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

A while ago, I created an Ansible playbook to deploy and configure Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). I included some of the tools we are using ourselves in Kubernetes, both for internal usage but also to make it easier for the community to get started. You can find the playbook…

How to RDP into a Azure AD-joined VM in Azure

5 years ago | Sebastian Stegrin

Actually this post was not planned in any way, but one day when I was creating a Windows 10 VM in Azure and Azure AD-joined it I couldn't login to it via RDP with my Azure AD-account. The error I was faced with said "The user name or password is incorrect. Try again". I promise you, I tried it again, a couple of times, I even had to login to the web mail to ensure myself that I used the correct credentials, and I did. To be on the safe side I created a second VM but I ran into the same issue with that one.

Granting permissions for single users to Azure AD connector in Flow and PowerApps

5 years ago | Oliwer Sundgren

The Flow and PowerApps connector for Azure AD is great when you want to build an app that read and writes to Azure AD. Or to automate Azure AD tasks like editing groups or users. However, I quickly noticed that the user that wanted to use this connector in…

extensionAttributes – add values via Powershell + CSV file

5 years ago | Tobias Sandberg

It is common to have one or multiple extensionAttributes in an Azure AD environment for use with Intune for example. These extensionAttributes can be handled in a couple of different ways when it comes to managing the values set for each of those. For simplicity I’ve created a Powershell script…

How to install Citrix Workspace on Ubuntu

5 years ago | Sebastian Stegrin

A lot of companies today offer a service called Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), that means that you can run company applications on your private devices. I would like to try that myself for a day, so what I did was to not touch my company computer but to bring my private computer with me that has Ubuntu 19.04 on it. The regular stuff like mailing and such was pretty straight forward, but when I tried to install Citrix Workspace I started to notice some issues. Therefore will this post will be about how to install Citrix Workspace version 1903 on a Ubuntu with 19.04 on it.  

Java SE license change – How does it affect me and my organization?

5 years ago | Oliwer Sundgren

Under 2018 Oracle released some big and important news regarding the future of Java SE. The big news is that Java SE requires a payed subscription in order to update the software, this change came into effect on the first on January 2019. In this article I’ll try to…

Citrix Synergy update – Citrix Managed Desktops

5 years ago | Robert Skyllberg

During Citrix Synergy 2019 Citrix Managed Desktops was announced, which is Citrix newly built Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS). I’ve found Citrix Managed Desktops very interesting due to a number of interesting features it will provide. Citrix Managed Desktops is built on Windows Virtual Desktop, and will run compute-instances on Azure, but provided…

Security Fest 2019

5 years ago | Rickard Carlsson

This year’s amazing conference Security Fest has now come to an end. Me and my colleague Sebastian had two really great days where we both have learned a lot and got new inspiration. Picture from Shira Shamban’s talk – ”Your internet is down? It’s cyber warfare, stupid” Christoffer…

Microsoft Defender ATP for Mac now available in Public Preview

5 years ago | Joel Jerkin

Yesterday Microsoft released Microsoft Defender ATP for Mac in public preview and are now available for download and installation though the Microsoft Defender Security Center. In the onboarding section in Microsoft Defender Security Center, if you have preview features selected, you will see how to onboard macOS…

Citrix Synergy 2019

5 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

I år är det jag och Robert Skyllberg som fått åka till Citrix Synergy 2019 i Atlanta. Det är en hel del nyheter och jag tänkte försöka skapa en kortare sammanfattning av de olika delarna. Citrix VD, David Henshall, inledde med att beskriva vad…

Office Cloud Policy Service – Preview Feature

5 years ago | Oliwer Sundgren

Earlier this year Microsoft announced a new cloud based service that allows administrators to create and manage policies for Office ProPlus users in your tenant, this service is called “Office Cloud Policy Service” or “OCPS” for short. These policies are created and managed via an internet based portal and are…

New baseline policies available in Conditional Access

5 years ago | Joel Jerkin

Last week Microsoft starting to rollout three new baseline policies in Conditional Access. Baseline policy: Block legacy authentication (Preview) Baseline policy: Require MFA for Service Management (Preview) Baseline policy: End user protection (Preview) Baseline Policy in Conditional Access are part of Baseline Protection in Azure Active Directory (Azure…

5 Things I check after I've installed Microsoft Edge Dev (Chromium)

5 years ago | Sebastian Stegrin

Many of you probably already know that Microsoft have released their new Microsoft Edge built on Chromium as a Development-build for the public so we can try it out. As usual when it comes to new things we want to personalize it, so I would like to share my first 5 things that I customize in this new version of Edge. Before we begin, remember that this is a Dev-build (Version so the things that I mention below might change when it is fully released. Also worth mentioning is that this release is not built in to Windows 10, and that means that you have to install the browser like any other application out there. You can find the download link at the bottom of this page.  

Building native multi-platform tools with ReasonML, esy and Azure Pipelines

5 years ago | Stina Perbo

In this post we will go over how I implemented multi-platform packages for Reason with the help of esy and Azure Pipelines and publish them on npm. The high-level overview of the process is this: Create a npm release for each platform via `esy release` Copy all the different releases…

The best features in Varonis 7.4

5 years ago | Rickard Carlsson

The new big update to Varonis (7.4) was released about an month ago. Now after I have been upgrading and using it for a while I’m starting to get a feeling for the new features and it feels like a great time to talk a bit about the great features…

Resource Graph Explorer and common use cases

5 years ago | Tobias Vuorenmaa

This is my third post about Resource Graph and this time I will cover the new Explorer in the Azure portal and some use cases where I have found Resource Graph really helpful. You can find my previous posts here: Azure Resource Graph – Get started…

Virtual attendance to Microsoft Build 2019

5 years ago | Adam Clark

New features and cool stuff – Microsoft 365, Office 365, Azure, Edge, Windows 10, and everything else Microsoft There are so many cool things you can do with new types of disruptive technology that was not even imaginable a decade ago. Impressive progress has been made across several…

FSLogix and Microsoft – When and How!

5 years ago | Jonas Agblad

Since Microsoft acquired FSLogix in November there has been some uncertainty regarding licenses and most importantly when it will be available through Microsoft. Ever since Microsoft acquired FSLogix there has not been much information about whats happening. We know Microsoft had their eyes on Office 365 container solution and…

Add you own local admin users on Azure AD devices

5 years ago | Tobias Sandberg

Do you have issues when trying to add an account as local admin on your Azure AD Joined device? Maybe you have specific requirements regarding which accounts should be admins on your client machines and the Azure AD solution (additional local administrators on Azure AD joined devices) is not enough…

Citrix Hypervisor 8.0

5 years ago | Robert Skyllberg

25th of April Citrix published new major release 8.0 of XenServer, which now officially becomes Citrix Hypervisor. The release is added to the Current Release (CR) track and comes in handy to upcoming End of Life for formerly latest Current Release, Xenserver 7.6. Below I will shortly cover the…

How to create a custom Address Lists in Exchange Online

5 years ago | Sebastian Stegrin

Introduction A lot of people are using the Address Book in Outlook or their web mail to find people, but sometimes it can be a hard time filtering on company or departments. Therefore we will go thru how to create custom Address Lists, and in this case only users with a mailbox that have something typed into the Office-attribute will appear in these lists.

Deploy separate Intune workloads to different collections (Co-management)

5 years ago | Tobias Sandberg

I was looking for a way to be able to deploy a Co-management policy with only Windows Update policies workload to a specific collection. This in order to transition a smaller amount of computers (who are not a member of the already existing Pilot group) to be controlled via Intune…

Palo Alto VM-Series with active/passive HA support in Azure

5 years ago | Jimmy Dao

Since the latest release of Palo Alto Network PAN-OS 9.0.0 the VM-Series firewall now supports the VM-Series plugin, a built-in-plugin architecture for integration with public clouds or private cloud hypervisors, with the plugin you can now configure VM-Series firewalls with active/passive high availability (HA) in Azure. I will cover some of the requirements in short which is needed to setup HA in Azure.

Windows 7 licens key is “not genuine” and activation failes after installing KB971033.

5 years ago | Linus Lysell

INTRODUCTION After installing KB971033 update some clients has issue with the KMS licens key is not genuine.  It is a known issue for Microsoft. You find more information here. SOLUTION The solution from Microsoft to be able to activate Windows…

Mixed authentication methods added for Global Protect

5 years ago | Petter Vikström

In Palo Alto Networks latest release 9.0.0, a new feature was added that allows you to have mixed authentication methods to the same Global Protect portal and/or gateway. When this feature is enabled it will basically allow your users to authenticate with user credentials and/or client certificates. The options…

Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 1903

5 years ago | Robert Skyllberg

Citrix announced their new release Virtual Apps and Desktops 1903 on 28th of March and it contains a lot of interesting changes in all categories along with a long list of fixed issues. I will cover two of the changes in this blog-post which I found extra interesting, and that…

Microsoft Teams devices

5 years ago | Jonas Back

So maybe you’ve read my article on Microsoft Teams Rooms? These solutions are just a part of Teams devices which offer smarter ways to connect and work together in the ever-changing workplace. First of all, the Teams devices are certified to work with Teams and Skype for Business…

Printix – The Secure Cloud Print Management Solution

5 years ago | Tobias Sandberg

Are you looking for a new print solution that will work for a modern workplace? A solution that will let you get rid of those nasty on-premise print servers? A solution that will make print management more easy and fun? Look no further, you just found one!…

What is FSLogix Cloud Cache?

5 years ago | Jonas Agblad

Background Last year FSLogix released its award winning (at Citrix Synergy) technology Cloud Cache, and I for one was very curious about what this meant and what I could use it for. The fact that is was included in the license for Office 365 Container and Profile Container was a…

Install OneDrive (and soon Teams) on Local Machine

5 years ago | Adam Clark

One of the most requested features for OneDrive and Teams have been to install the programs the local machine instead of in the profile for each user. Microsoft have finally released a OneDrive client to support this. As of version 19.043.0304.0003 OneDrive can be installed to the local machine by installing…


5 years ago | Petter Vikström

If you have LACP configured between your Arista-switches (or any other switches) and a Nutanix Cluster, you will run into an issue when using Nutanix Life Cycle Management (LCM). LCM updates for BIOS, BMC and SATA DOM are currently not supported for Nutanix Clusters that use protocols such as…

Microsoft Teams Rooms for modern meetings

5 years ago | Jonas Back

How easy is it at your company to start a Teams or Skype meeting online in your conference room without technical difficulties? Maybe you have a very large (and expensive) video conference system in your board room but you wish you also could equip the smaller huddle rooms with such…

Text-based session watermarks

5 years ago | Robert Skyllberg

Citrix recently introduced a new feature to track data theft by giving administrators the ability to enable watermarks in their user sessions. This feature is supported for both Server and Desktop OS and requires a minimum of Virtual Delivery Agent version 7.17. Citrix also offers the possibility to customize…

Citrix replaces Smart Scale with Autoscale

5 years ago | Robert Skyllberg

A while ago Citrix announced the deprecation of Smart Scale but its replacement has been in the dark, and has finally been uncovered. Smart Scale will reach end of life on May 31, 2019 and Autoscale will be the replacement for Cloud platforms. Autoscale is considered a new feature…

Easily analyse your memory dumps

5 years ago | Robert Skyllberg

Recently I stumbled over a great application for debugging your system while trying to examine a memory dump. The application is named WinDbg Preview and is distributed by Microsoft themselves and serves several purposes for debugging Windows operating systems. WinDbg Preview is a modernized version of WinDbg and extremely…

Keep your FSLogix VHD-files optimized

5 years ago | Jonas Agblad

Background When using either or both of FSLogix products Office 365 Containers and Profile containers you will have quite large VHD-files. However you could for example in Office 365 Container limit the size when specifying the Outlook cache limit but non the less it will require quite large storage space. Since the standard and…

TLS 1.0 and 1.1 will be blocked, so update your Citrix Receiver!

5 years ago | Johan Nilsson

Background As most of the things around us constantly gets updates and improvements, the enhancements regarding flaws in vulnerabilities of security are for most people the most critical. Since cryptographic protocols like TLS 1.0 has been used since 1999, with an update to TLS 1.1 in 2006, these protocols…

Changing default ADFS Decrypt/Signing Certificate lifetime from 1 year to X years

5 years ago | Rasmus Kindberg

ADFS 2.0 and above versions have a feature called AutoCertificateRollover that will automatically updates the Decrypt and Signing certificates in ADFS, and by default these certificates will have a lifetime of 1 year. If you have federations (Relying Party Trusts) configured and the Service Provider (SP) is not using the…

Are you able to spot phishing emails?

5 years ago | Rickard Carlsson

Phishing is an attack concept where an attacker usually contacts a victim pretending to be from a trustworthy source to get information that they shouldn’t have gotten if they used their real identity. When an attacker targets specific individuals or groups within an organization the phishing method is called…

Simplify removing of distributed content with the help of Powershell

5 years ago | Johan Nilsson

Begin TLDR; Go to the Process block. Ever since I first got introduced to Powershell, I have always tried to come up with ways to include, facilitate and apply it to my my everyday tasks. But for me, using Powershell in combination with SCCM has never been the…

Querying Microsoft Graph with Powershell, the easy way

5 years ago | Stina Perbo Utas

Edit: There is now a Github page for this project Microsoft Graph is a very powerful tool to query organization data, and it’s also really easy to do using Graph explorer but it’s not built for automation. While the concept I’m presenting in this blogpost…

New generation of Imprivata appliances

5 years ago | Jan Frick

With every major release of Imprivata’s OneSign product, they also release an updated version of the appliance the product is running on. With the release of Imprivata OneSign & Confirm ID version 6.1 this December, they also released a new generation of the appliance. This version, called generation 3 (G3),…

Citrix brings back Local Text Echo

6 years ago | Robert Skyllberg

Have you ever experienced the frustration of working on a bad connection resulting in tremendous amount of latency when typing? Past releases of Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops (Formerly XenApp & XenDesktop) have included many interesting news and functions, especially regarding HDX innovations and ICA improvements. One of the "new" features that caught my eye in the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 1811 release notes is Local text echo, which I will shortly cover in this post.

Wireless Networking in Windows Server 2019

6 years ago | Adam Clark

The other day I installed a NUC with an integrated wireless NIC. I installed Windows Server 2019 to the NUC and installed the wireless networking drivers from Intel’s website. The problem was that after I’ve installed the network drivers they didn’t work. After a lot of trial and error I…

New features in Azure Blueprints

6 years ago | Tobias Vuorenmaa

The past couple of weeks i have seen new features being released for Azure Blueprints. In this short post i will write about the updates in Definition location and Lock assignment. New to Azure Blueprints? Azure Blueprints allows you to define a repeatable set of Azure resources that follows your…

Easy way to disable items in Control Panel and Settings App in Windows 10 and Server 2019

6 years ago | Adam Clark

In Windows 10 and Server 2019 there are both a Control Panel and a Settings App. This is somewhat confusing for the user. However, this is probably how it’s going to be until Microsoft have had enough time to migrate all settings from the Control Panel to the Settings App.

Teams keeps crashing in Citrix

6 years ago | Jonas Agblad

A while ago I installed Teams in a client Citrix environment, I solved the large profile issue (Microsoft recommends 3 GB of free data for each user) with FSLogix, you can read more about that in my earlier blog-post here! While testing Teams in the client test-environment it all…

What is ReasonML and why should you care?

6 years ago | Stina Perbo

ReasonML is a alternate syntax for OCaml, a language developed for more than 20 years with a strong emphasis on security and expressiveness.

"Outlook cannot perform your search" on Windows Server 2016 running Remote Desktop Services

6 years ago | Hanessa Milaszewski

INTRODUCTION Speaking on behalf of all IT technicians, it is with no doubt that we all have had our hand in cases related to Outlook. Oftentimes I experience them to be quite understandable in order to be resolved. However, that was until I encountered a particularly obscure issue with Outlook’s search engine, nonetheless its very same obscure resolution.

Why does Teams not install for my users?

6 years ago | Jonas Agblad

Microsoft released in October last year a MSI-installation package of Teams, making it easy to deploy Teams to computers in your organization. As you know Teams (for some unknown reason) installs directly into your profile. I suspect they have designed it this way to make sure everyone can install the…

Move Software Updates to Intune with Co-management

6 years ago | Tobias Sandberg

To move on with the transition towards Modern Management we can use Co-management in ConfigMgr to decide where settings are coming from. In this specific scenario we will do a switch from Software Updates via ConfigMgr to Intune controlled Software Updates for one test client. I will show you the…


6 years ago | Stina Perbo

Introduction PVS-Accelerator is a feature for Citrix Hypervisor (previously named XenServer). The feature utilizes the local storage and RAM on Dom0 on each Citrix Hypervisor and caches read requests from a provisioned target device. It saves network, CPU and Provisioning host disk I/O resources, effectively improving performance. Overall your storage…


6 years ago | Petter Vikström

When creating a new Guest Splash Page with either Anonymous, Authenticated or Facebook WiFi the users will encounter an certificate-error after authentication to the Captive Portal. This is because the users is redirected by standard to or which uses the built-in certificate contained in Aruba Central. Since you…

Intune – Administrative Templates (Preview) are here

6 years ago | Tobias Sandberg

Microsoft has now released their Administrative Templates (Preview) for Intune which makes it a lot more simple to use settings like controlling a OneDrive setup, changing Office settings or configure Internet Explorer. So where do you find this new functionality? Login to the Intune Management PortalGo to Device Configuration…

How to manually crash your VM on a XenServer

6 years ago | Jonas Agblad

Sometimes you need to simulate or provoke a crash on a Virtual Machine to either verify a problem or get a Memory Dump to have a closer look at whats is happening with the Virtual Machine. The thing is, its quite tricky to do that manually. Lucky for you there…

Manage your corporate devices using Citrix Endpoint Management

6 years ago | Jan Frick

Let’s say you’ve bought in 50 new iPad devices that you want to deploy to your users, and you have acquired a new mobile application that you want your users to start using on these devices. This is a fairly common scenario for businesses and companies. But how do you…

How to handle pinned start menu apps in Windows 10

6 years ago | Johan Nilsson

As I have been working with customizing Windows 10 for a while now, it has never worked against me this much. However, sometimes Windows do have its ways of working against you. With challenges like these you get the opportunity to spend a lot of time coming up with a…

Create Threat Exceptions for specific traffic

6 years ago | Petter Vikström

At some point you might encounter a false-positive threat that you want to make an exception for. If you know a file is safe if its downloaded from a specific place but you don’t want other files classified with the same threat ID/name to be whitelisted, you can create a…

Teams is replacing Skype for Business – how does it (really) work for the user?

6 years ago | Jonas Back

Most of us know Teams is replacing Skype for Business in Office 365. There is no official end date but we see indications. Microsoft is no longer adding Skype for Business for new tenants with less than 500 users and they say Teams is now complete. Yesterday we also saw the…

Smart Check – Monitor Your Citrix Sites

6 years ago | Stina Perbo

Citrix Smart Check is a software and a service that installs on a Citrix Delivery Controller and collects diagnostic data, sends it to the Citrix Cloud account, where it gets analyzed and presented on the Citrix Cloud website. The information helps Citrix administrators to prevent and resolve issues before they…

Netscaler: Resolve large http POST packets against AAA protected LB vServers

6 years ago | Rasmus Kindberg

Recently while working with two customers and setting up load balancing and external access to some of their applications, I’ve encountered issues with large POST packets (either large form submits or file uploads in the web app) stop working when AAA is activated on the load balancing (LB) vServer. In…

Automating delimiter selection when working with Csv cmdlets

6 years ago | Stina Perbo Utas

Recently I walked passed a collegue with an error on his Powershell console which peaked my interest. He quickly noted that he had chosen the wrong delimiter for the Csv he imported which resulted in errors in the code, I then jokingly said ”Why don’t you just use the ’Get-CsvDelimiter’…

VDA stuck when updating

6 years ago | Adam Clark

Sometimes (no idea why, seems random to me) the VDA update is stuck after prompted to reboot in the middle of the update like below. After going through the logs (Get-content ”$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp\Citrix\XenDesktop Installer\XenDesktop Installation.log” -wait) I noticed that the VDA setup creates a RunOnce key just…

Mapped network printers unavailable due to SMB1 being obsolete

6 years ago | Hanessa Milaszewski

INTRODUCTION As we all might be familiar with, printers are one of those little peculiar matters within IT. Implementing these in an IT-environment is self-explanatory oftentimes, but when they do not cooperate the issue itself can stem from one single obscure root cause, if not a string of these having to be checked upon. Recently, I encountered a particular printer issue which I found interesting enough to share. The root cause here, in summary, was due to the network protocol SMB1 (Server Message Block) being obsolete in recent Windows releases.

Run Windows Defender inside a sandbox

6 years ago | Rickard Carlsson

Last week Microsoft released the news that they have added a new feature to Windows Defender Antivirus. The new feature allows Windows Defender Antivirus to run within a sandbox. Other antivirus providers have been offering the possibility to open files in a sandbox-environment before but what Windows Defender now…

Teams in your Multi-user environment done right!

6 years ago | Jonas Agblad

Microsoft Teams is on the rise, more and more businesses is seeing the potential of Teams and want a piece of the action. Unfortunately Microsoft Teams is not ideally designed to work on a Multi-user environment like Citrix Xenapp or Microsoft Remote Desktop services. It is entirely installed in…

Migrate home directory to a new location

6 years ago | Adam Clark

Recently, I have been involved in some larger XenApp projects where one of the objects have been to migrate home directories when users change environment. People tend to lock themselves to the idea that IT must help migrate home directory when the user is given access to the new environment.

Update Workspace Environment Management from 4.5 to 1808

6 years ago | Adam Clark

The other day I tried to update Workspace Environment Management from 4.5 to 1808. I followed the guidelines provided from Citrix here. Everything went fine with the update of ”Infrastructure Services”, ”Database” and ”Administration Console”, but when I tried to connect to the ”Infrastructure Services” with the ”Administration Console”…

Create Azure Policy’s based on Resource Graph querys

6 years ago | Tobias Vuorenmaa

If you have used Resource graph to query resources you might realized it comes very handy when creating Azure Policy’s, for example you might check the SKU of virtual machines before you create the policy to audit specific sizes of virtual machines or even prevent creation of them. (If you…

OpenID Connect token validation in Citrix ADC

6 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

I’ve previously written about how to use OpenID Connect in NetScaler and a way to use callouts to validate tokens. You can also use the function JWT_VERIFY_CERTKEY() but that requires that you (for now) keep the issuing certificate updated locally. Another way is to setup an OpenID…

Citrix ADC and ADM automation using Ansible

6 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

I’ve been working with Ansible more and more and been learning a lot. It’s so much fun but I also think it can help others out there with their projects. I’ve published a few blog posts regarding a few different parts of how I automate Citrix ADC (NetScaler) and Citrix…

Configure Stylebook configpacks using Ansible and Citrix ADM

6 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

I’ve created an Ansible playbook to deploy configpacks to Citrix ADC (previously Citrix NetScaler) using Ansible and Citrix ADM (previously Citrix NetScaler MAS). You add the configuration to the parameters and the playbook will add configpacks using the settings you’ve defined. Still a lot to do with this one,…

Deploy Citrix ADM Stylebooks using Ansible

6 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

I’ve created an Ansible playbook to deploy Citrix ADM (previously Citrix NetScaler MAS) Stylebooks. It will upload the latest version of the stylebook, migrate existing configpacks that are using the older version and then remove the old version from MAS. There are still a lot to do with this…

Citrix ADC base configuration with Ansible and Citrix ADM

6 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

I’ve created an Ansible playbook to configure a base line on Citrix ADC (previously Citrix NetScaler) using Ansible and Citrix ADM (previously Citrix NetScaler MAS). The only thing you will have to do is change the parameters in the playbook and run it. The playbook has been published to…

Configure Citrix ADC HA pair using Ansible and Citrix ADM

6 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

I’ve create an Ansible playbook to configure two Citrix ADCs (previously Citrix NetScaler) into an HA pair using Citrix ADM (previously NetScaler MAS). The only thing you will have to do is change the parameters in the playbook and run it with the credentials and IP-addresses as parameters and you’ll…

Configure Citrix ADM using Ansible

6 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

I’ve created an Ansible Playbook to configure Citrix ADM (previously Citrix NetScaler MAS). Instead of configuring all the different parts using the GUI, you can now change the parameters in a configuration file and the playbook will apply and update your configuration for you – making giving you Infrastructure as…

Deploy Citrix ADC to Azure using ARM Templates and Ansible

6 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

I’ve created an Ansible playbook to deploy Citrix ADC (previously Citrix NetScaler) to Azure using ARM Templates. You can find the playbook here in Azure DevOps, see the readme for the latest information about the playbook, how to use it and the per-requisites. The main points…

HOW TO: Configure BGP between Arista and Palo Alto using loopback-interfaces

6 years ago | Petter Vikström

In this example I will be showing you how you can configure BGP between Arista and Palo Alto. The setup has two Arista COR-switches which is configured with MLAG and a Palo Alto Networks firewall. The goal is to use iBGP between the Arista-switches and eBGP between the Arista-switches…

Monitoring vDisk Rebalance Enabled

6 years ago | Robert Skyllberg

In a recent use-case that I stumbled across, I wanted to monitor a few different things in a Citrix-environment with Provisioning Services technology. In this specific blog-post I'll show you how I configured monitoring for whether Rebalance Enabled is configured for active vDisk, with Provisioning Services (PVS) Powershell SnapIn.

Monitoring vDisk Replication

6 years ago | Robert Skyllberg

In a recent use-case that I stumbled across, I wanted to monitor a few different things in a Citrix-environment with Provisioning Services technology. In this specific blog-post I'll show you how I configured monitoring of vDisk Replication with Provisioning Services (PVS) Powershell SnapIn.

Azure Resource Graph

6 years ago | Tobias Vuorenmaa

During Ignite 2018 Microsoft released a couple of new services and features in public preview for Azure i will try to cover the Governance parts in upcoming posts. Lets start with Resource Graph. If you have been working with Azure Resource Manager, you might have realized its limitations…

HTML5 Web Client for Remote Desktop Services 2016

6 years ago | Jan Frick

Microsoft recently announced that the new HTML5 client for Remote Desktop Services has reached general availability. The new web client lets users access the Remote Desktop infrastructure using a modern browser that supports HTML5. Requirements & Installation Microsoft have a great article explaining the requirements and how to get started…

Convert Citrix UPM to FSLogix Profile Containers

6 years ago | Jonas Agblad

Scenario When you finally decided to take the leap and implement FSLogix Profile Containers you may find yourself wondering, how would you do this without wiping out everyone’s profiles? In an utopia you could simply reset everyone’s profile and pray nobody noticed or didn’t care. Unfortunately that rarely is the…

Deploy CoreOS with VSTS Agent container using ARM template

6 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

In this blog post, I’ll describe how to deploy CoreOS using an ARM Template and auto start the Docker service as well as create four services for the VSTS Agent container. Container Linux by CoreOS (now part of the Red Hat family) is a Linux distribution and comes…

Duplicate SRV records are cousing domain join workflows to fail

6 years ago | Tobias Sandberg

Have you ever had problems with duplicate SRV records in your environment? This is a quite common phenomenon when you google it without any real solution to it (not at least what I could find). Some environments would not be affected by this, but I got into a specific situation…

SCCM 1806 – News and features

6 years ago | Johan Nilsson

Once more it was time to upgrade our SCCM environment to the newest release that is 1806. As it was not released for everyone yet, I had to run the Fast-Ring script to allow the update to present itself. I found this update very interesting as it comes with…

Datetime and RFC3339 compliance in powershell – a deepdive

6 years ago | Stina Perbo Utas

A collegue of mine asked if there is a way to output a RFC compliant datetime ( in powershell without manually formatting in T and Z in the middle and end to comply with ISO standard and imply UTC +-00:00 Before i start with the how, I’d like to…

Azure AD Connect and .NET Framework 4.7.2

6 years ago | Robert Skyllberg

Introduction Last week a discussion erupted on Microsoft forums regarding Azure AD Connect due to it’s Monitoring Agent using all free resources of CPU on the servers. These issues were caused by a .NET Framework update and a lot of administrators spent time uninstalling and blocking these patches to…

Enable Exchange Mailbox Auditing for all users

6 years ago | Joel Jerkin

Enabling Mailbox Auditing as an Exchange Administrator has for a long time been something you have need to do manually. Yesterday, Microsoft announced that they will be enabling mailbox auditing by default for all user mailboxes using Office 365 and Exchange Online. This is a…

Black screen at session logon with VDA newer than 7.15 CU1

6 years ago | Adam Clark

The black screen of death Introduction The logon process for users accessing a XenApp/Virtual App-environments is not completely simple to explain or understand in its entirety. There are several processes and services that need to work together, to let a user log on and begin to work in a virtual…

Exchange Server and .NET Framework 4.7.2

6 years ago | Joel Jerkin

Yesterday Microsoft released a new version of .NET Framework, 4.7.2 and it’s showing up as an important update in Windows Update. For Exchange Servers it’s important that you don’t install this update as this version, at this time, is not part of the support matrix for…

Device cleanup rules for Microsoft Intune

6 years ago | Joel Jerkin

As an IT Administrator you want to keep your IT environment clean and tidy and the same goes for Microsoft Intune. By default all devices that has been inactive or stale and hasn’t checked in for over 270 days will automatically been removed from the console. In the…

App Protection Policies for managed and unmanaged devices in Intune

6 years ago | Joel Jerkin

In the latest update of Microsoft Intune, you now have the option to target App protection policies for Mobile apps if the device is Intune managed or if its unmanaged. The two options that for now is available, if you select not to target all app…

Block external access for Service Accounts using Conditional Access in Azure AD

6 years ago | Joel Jerkin

Conditional Access in Azure Active Directory is normally used for users and administrators to secure and control company data in Office 365 and Azure, but what about Service Accounts? Aren’t they a potential security risk? Using Service Accounts for scripts and other tasks related to Office 365, Azure and…

Double-hop configured with Citrix Receiver inside a published desktop

6 years ago | Adam Clark

  We started a new project with one of our clients creating a new MCS master with Windows Server 2016. One of their most critical business applications do not support Windows Server 2016 with their current version of the application. In the best of world it woulds, we would…

Choosing "HTML5 Receiver" vs "Native Receiver" dynamically through Netscaler Rewrite Policies

6 years ago | Rasmus Kindberg

After a user has authenticated on a NSGW vServer, the user will either be prompted to select which Receiver Type (HTML5 vs Native) he/she wants to use, or a choice will be made automatically depending on how well the user’s web browser manages to detect a local Citrix Receiver install.

Automate tasks with use of XenServer Powershell Module

6 years ago | Robert Skyllberg

Working with backups of your virtual machines is obviously essential. Working with exports in XenServer can some times be time consuming, particularly with bigger virtual disks attached to your virtual machine. In this scenario I will show you an alternative to manually export via XenCenter, by doing it with Powershell to an remote server using XenServer Powershell module.

Flickering Desktop Icons and re-directed folders

6 years ago | Stina Perbo

This blog post will only cover a scenario with Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Remote Desktop Services (RDS) and re-directed folders where flickering icons appear. Other solutions may apply to different scenarios. Since the release of Windows 10 / Server 2016 and their different releases 1607, 1703, 1709 and…

Netscaler: ADFS protected by AAA – How to handle SAML POST requests

6 years ago | Rasmus Kindberg

A limitation with Netscaler AAA is that it cannot handle FormData sent in a POST request to a Netscaler LB vServer that is protected by a AAA vServer. What happens is that the Form data in the POST will not be included when the user is redirected back to the…

Specific computer model not joining the domain.

6 years ago | Johan Nilsson

I recently had an issue with a specific computer model not joining the domain. The Task Sequence had not been updated for a while, and we had not done any significant changes to the environment. With other computers working flawlessly, we had issues with a HP EliteDesk 800 G3 DM…

Citrix Synergy 2018 highlights

6 years ago | Adam Clark

Synergy is Citrix main event and Xenit are of course on site to try out new features and solutions. The conference includes both a business-oriented and technical track for customers and partners. Måns Hurtigh, Simon Gottschlag (CTP), Adam Clark and Linus Lindström from Xenit are on site to test the…

Upgrade Task Sequence (1803) with BitLocker active

6 years ago | Tobias Sandberg

With the new 1803 feature update for Windows 10 we got some new and exciting commands for the Windows Setup that we can use in a upgrade task sequence in SCCM to be able to upgrade without suspending BitLocker. For more information about the 1803 feature update, please see this…

Palo Alto introduces new feature to support Terminal Service (TS) Agent on Windows Server 2016

6 years ago | Petter Vikström

In the latest release of Palo Alto Networks Terminal Service Agent 8.1.1, we were introduced to a new feature where it is now supported to install the agent on Windows Server 2016. This is a very welcome feature that a lot of us have been waiting for. There are no…

Spring Creators update (1803) for Windows 10

6 years ago | Tobias Sandberg

Microsoft released the next feature update on April 30th 2018 that we all have been waiting for. The Spring Creators update (Version 1803) for Windows 10. It comes with a bunch of new features and I will list some of them that you can benefit from in a deployment…

Use PowerShell & Windows Update to force drivers to be downloaded from the Internet in a Task Sequence

6 years ago | Johan Nilsson

Working with client driver packages for me is related to a never-ending story. Drivers are frequently being updated and results in manually handling updates of Driver Packages in Configuration Manager. But since some computer manufacturers are releasing updates through Windows Update, so we thought; What if you can use a…

Change OS disk on server using Managed disk in Azure

6 years ago | Tobias Vuorenmaa

Recently a new capability was released for Azure Virtual Machines using Managed disks. We have been missing the possibility to change OS disk of VMs using Managed disks. Until now that has only been possible for Unmanaged disks. Before release of this feature we have been forced to…

Chrome – Certificate warning – Invalid Common Name

6 years ago | Stina Perbo

Users of Google Chrome version 58 (released March 2017) and later will receive a certificate alert when browsing to HTTPS-sites if the certificate only uses Common Name and does not use any Subject Alternative Name (SAN) values. This has been ignored and for many years the Common Name field was exclusively…

Sending CSS formatted tables in Outlook

6 years ago | Stina Perbo Utas

If you’ve ever used Powershell to send HTML tables in Outlook containing CSS you’ve probably been disappointed of the outcome. There is some archived documentation for Outlook 2007 that is still viable for Outlook 365 ( Basically the function accepts a csv and css file, hardcodes the…

Windows Server 2019 Preview is now available

6 years ago | Tobias Sandberg

It’s finally here – the preview of Windows Server 2019! Windows has release the first preview of the completely new Windows Server 2019. In this article I will summarize the main news and tell you a little about them. The final version of Windows Server 2019 are planned to…

Using NetScaler as OpenID Connect SP with ADFS as IDP

6 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

How do you configure Citrix NetScaler OpenID Connect Service Provider with Microsoft ADFS as OpenID Connect Identity Provider? I've tried making it easy to understand and how you do it using CLI (NetScaler CLI and powershell). Read this post for doing this with SAML.

Using NetScaler as SAML SP with ADFS as IDP

6 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

How do you configure Citrix NetScaler SAML Service Provider with Microsoft ADFS as SAML Identity Provider? I’ve tried making it easy to understand and how you do it using CLI (NetScaler CLI and powershell). Before we begin, let us look at what we need to establish the federation: NetScaler…

How to join a Windows 10 computer to your Azure Active Directory

7 years ago | Sebastian Stegrin

Introduction Some of the benefits of having your Windows 10 devices in your Azure AD is that your users can join the computer to your Azure AD without any extra administrator privileges, assuming you have configured this in your Azure AD. They can also login to the computer without the need of being connected to a specific company network the first time, as long as they have internet connection. You can also manage your Windows 10 devices wherever it may be in the world.


7 years ago | Petter Vikström

In some cases you will come across DHCP-scopes that are configured on the edge-device or similar and wanting to move it to your dedicated Windows Server instead. Below is an example where you can export DHCP-leases from your Palo Alto Networks device and add them to your dedicated Windows…

Nyheter på väg till RDS 2016

7 years ago | Jan Frick

Microsoft presenterade tidigare i höstas nyheter som är på väg till Remote Desktop Services (RDS) 2016. Det är några stora förändringar på gång som är viktiga att känna till, och detta inlägg sammanfattar några av de nyheter som ska komma inom kort. Infrastruktur I en traditionell RDS infrastruktur måste alla…

Windows 10 Subscription Activation for Hybrid Azure AD Joined devices

7 years ago | Tobias Sandberg

In a migration phase to Windows 10 we wanted to be able to benefit from the fairly new Windows 10 Subscription Activation method for the existing environment. One of the requirements for us was that we could do this with Hybrid Azure AD Joined devices. With this post I will…

Outlook Search index med FSLogix

7 years ago | Jonas Agblad

Något som upptäckts snabbt efter uppsättningen av sin ”FSlogix Office 365 Containers”-lösning i en fleranvändarmiljö är att sök-indexeringen för Outlook i vissa miljöer görs om vid varje ny inloggning, det gäller miljöer där man har flera Session Hostar användarna kan logga in på. Sök-funktionen i Outlook använder sig av…

Azure Archive Storage – Manage access tier on all blobs in a container

7 years ago | Tobias Vuorenmaa

Last week Archive blob storage went into general availability. If you haven’t checked it out you can find some info here Announcing general availability of Azure Archive Storage After some testing we realized that you cant change the access tier for an entire container or storage account from…

Troubleshooting XenMobile

7 years ago | Xenit

EMM systems are complex, error-prone and sensitive to changes from a lot of manufacturers, thus I’ll dedicate this post to just that: techniques for troubleshooting XenMobile. This is not a ”I have this problem, what could be the solution”-type post, but I’m rather going to outline some of the more…

NetScaler HA heartbeats in Azure

7 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

When using NetScaler with multiple NICs in Azure, heartbeats will not be seen on other interfaces other than the one NSIP is configured on. To resolve this, disable heartbeats on the other interfaces (in my case, NSIP is on 0/1 and disabling on 1/1 and 1/2): set interface…

Devices i Azure AD – varför det är viktigt

7 years ago | Jonas Back

Devices i Azure AD - varför är det viktigt? I princip alla organisationer vi arbetar med har ett traditionellt on-premise Active Directory. Många av dessa börjar nu använda Office 365 och Azure, ofta börjar det med Exchange Online och Skype som sedan växer med OneDrive, Teams, SharePoint etc. I botten av allt detta är ett Azure AD, detta är något alla får eftersom så fort du skapar en Office 365 tenant får du också ett Azure AD som är användarkatalogen. Vare sig du sedan editerar användarna i Office 365 admin portalen ( eller Azure AD admin portalen ( så är det grund och botten ditt Azure AD du ändrar i.

Updated: NetScaler Active/Passive HA in Azure with multiple NICs/IPs (DSR/Floating IP)

7 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

I wrote a blog post for NetScaler active/passive HA in Azure with multiple NICs two days ago, and I've been trying to figure out if this was the best way to do it. In the other post, I was using IPPattern in NetScaler to set the vServers to a /31 - which does work but that's just because of how the underlying Azure infrastrucuture works (where machines outside of the VM - for example Azure LB - can only access the IP that has been assigned to the VM). There is another way of doing this, which doesn't require you to use a /31. The key is in configuring DSR (Direct Server Return) in Azure LB (also known as Floating IP). This will make it possible to use the same VIP on the NetScalers as the Frontend IP of the Azure LB - which saves IP-addresses and is easier to configure. This is the way Citrix has documented it and this is how their HA template does it.

OneDrive with simulated Single Sign-On

7 years ago | Adam Clark

Recently we have received numerous requests to implement OneDrive in multi-user environments. This is not an easy task given that Microsoft refuses to release and develop a client supporting multi-user environment. Citrix and Microsoft give the following recommendations: Use OneDrive for Business through the browser. Use ShareFile instead of OneDrive for Business. Continue using OneDrive for Business, but through ShareFile Desktop App or ShareFile Driver Mapper.

NetScaler Active/Passive HA in Azure with multiple NICs/IPs

7 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

Update: I've found out that there's a much easier way of doing the below in Azure - take a look at the updated blog post: Updated: NetScaler Active/Passive HA in Azure with multiple NICs/IPs (DSR/Floating IP) ------ There are a lot of information out there about setting up NetScaler HA in Azure. One way is using a single NIC and a single IP for all traffic - which allows for active/passive but causes other limitations. Another way is to use multiple NICs/IPs and use active/active. Both cases uses Azure LB to provide high availability.

Nyheter från Microsoft i November

7 years ago | Sebastian Stegrin

Fulla versionen av Citrix Receiver finns nu som applikation i Microsoft Store, perfekt för Windows 10 S. Citrix Receiver är en produkt som gör det möjligt att ansluta till Citrix virtualiseringstjänster XenApp och XenDesktop. Detta öppnar upp för fler möjligheter om man tex använder Windows 10 S som är en nerlåst version av Windows 10 som först och främst konkurrerar med Googles motsvarighet, Chromebook. I Windows 10 S kan du endast installera applikationer från Microsoft Store, och S-versionen ska enligt Microsoft ge en 15 sekunder snabbare uppstart jämfört med en dator som kör Windows 10 Pro. Man antyder även att den ska fungera lika bra dag 1 som på dag 1000, antagligen då denna versionen är så pass nerlåst och onödiga filer kan inte installeras.

Azure AD Conditional Access – säkra upp access till Azure och Office 365

7 years ago | Jonas Back

Azure och Office 365 erbjuder det Microsoft kallar mobile-first, cloud-first vilket innebär att användarna kan vara produktiva var de än är, med vilken device de vill och när de vill. Det går dock emot många säkerhetsaspekter att skydda företagets resurser. Som standard i Office 365 kan en användare logga in varsomhelst ifrån med namn och lösenord men i många organisationer är det inte säkert nog. Azure AD Conditional Access försöker råda bot på det genom att säkra upp accessen till Azure och Office 365 genom att sätta ett villkor och en policy på hur access tillåts. Ett exempel är att man vid vissa villkor ställa krav på MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) eller att den enhet användaren loggar in i från är AD joinad eller till och med godkänd i MDM-lösningen eller alla dessa.

Skicka SMTP mail via Office 365

7 years ago | Jonas Back

Uppdaterad 2019-04-08: Microsoft har kommit med nya rekommendationer och artikeln uppdaterades för att ha med dessa.. I samtliga Office 365 projekt så måste man hantera allt som skickar mail via SMTP, till exempel 3e parts applikationer och multifunktionsskrivare. Det är inte alltid lätt att hitta alla enheter som skickar SMTP-mail men att slå på loggning på befintliga SMTP-gateway (ofta Exchange) kan hjälpa dig identifiera dem. Ett alternativ är att fortsätta ha en lokal SMTP-gateway på det interna nätverket, men många väljer att avveckla alla sådana och helt förlita sig på Office 365 och skicka SMTP-mail direkt till Office 365. Det finns tre sätt att göra det på och beskrivs i detalj i följande artikel hos Microsoft. Nedan följer en sammanfattning.

Citrix changing default ICA Protocol from TCP to UDP Q4 2017

7 years ago | Rasmus Kindberg

For XenApp/XenDesktop versions released in Q4 2017 or later (version 7.16 or newer), the default protocol for ICA traffic will be changed from ICA TCP to Enlightened Data Transport (EDT). EDT is a recently-developed protocol from Citrix and is UDP based, unlike traditional ICA which is is TCP based. One of the reasons Citrix developed EDT is because TCP protocols have some drawbacks related to Congestion Control, leading to sub par performance in certain scenarios. Citrix realizes however that UDP traffic is not always allowed, or configured, in Citrix environments, so they added a new feature called 'Adaptive Transport' which will try EDT protocol (UDP) first, and if that does not work it will fallback to using regular ICA over TCP.

Azure Automation – Running scripts locally on VM through runbooks

7 years ago | Stina Perbo Utas

I was tasked to create a powershell script to run on a schedule on a Azure VM. Normally this would be running as a scheduled task on the VM but seeing as we're working with AzureVM and schedule tasks are legacy I wanted to explore the possibilities of running the schedule and script in Azure to keep the VM clean and the configuration scalable. After some research the best option would be running the powershell script as a CustomScriptExtension on the VM, and the schedule would be handled by a Process Automation Runbook (using Automation Accounts). What I ended up with is the script below. It's fairly easy to configure and contains almost all the required configuration in the parameters.

Recursively search Azure Ad group members

7 years ago | Stina Perbo Utas

When working with on-premise Active Directory an administrator often has to recursively search AD groups, this is easy using the ActiveDirectory module with cmdlet "Get-AdGroupMember <Group> -Recusive". For the AzureAD equivalent this is no longer an option, the cmdlet Get-AzureADGroupMember has three parameters. PARAMETERS -All <Boolean> If true, return all group members. If false, return the number of objects specified by the Top parameter -ObjectId <String> Specifies the ID of a group in Azure AD. -Top <Int32> Specifies the maximum number of records to return.

Just enough Administration & RDS

7 years ago | Stina Perbo Utas

The Problem? Microsoft RDS has limitations when delegating access, in fact there is no built-in access delegation whatsoever! The solution? Powershell! A Just enough Administration (JEA) endpoint, also known as a Constrained Powershell Endpoint. I’ve created a powershell app to list and logoff users I also created a simple…

FSLogix Profile Containers – Enkel och snabb profilhantering

7 years ago | Jonas Agblad

FSLogix har en intressant produkt som heter Profile Containers, den tar hand om huvudvärken som profiler ofta skapar i fleranvändarmiljöer. Det är idag komplext att sätta upp en fleranvändarmiljö som erbjuder en bra upplevelse för användarna. En utav de stora utmaningarna är inloggningstiden för användaren eftersom storleken på profilen ofta…

Secure Score – säkrat upp din Office 365 tenant

7 years ago | Jonas Back

Att säkra upp sin Office 365 tenant är otroligt viktigt. Om en obehörig användare tar sig in kan de komma åt mycket känslig data, men var börjar man? Vissa självklara inställningar kan göras, till exempel aktivera MFA (Multi Factor Authentication), speciellt för administratörer, men sedan? Secure Score har tagits…

Print drivers and Microsoft Update KB3170455

7 years ago | Stina Perbo

Typically users get their printers mapped by Group Policies or Group Policy Preferences. Especially in Citrix environments, users should not have the right to add their own printers or drivers that are not approved for multi-user environments. On July 12th 2016, Microsoft released a security update (KB3170455) to safeguard Man-in-the-Middle…

RfWebUI idle timeout

7 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

There seems to be an issue with the idle timeout in RfWebUI (verified in NetScaler version 12.0) and I’ve created a workaround until it is solved. It is all based on a JavaScript that checks if the user is logged on, if logged on it starts a timer and…

Remove "Password 2" from RfWebUI

7 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

Update: Seems like the first method actually removes a password field when changing password. This shouldn’t do that: add rewrite action RWA-RES-REMOVE_2ND_PASSWORD replace_all "HTTP.RES.BODY(99999)" "\"\\r\\n\"+\n\"<style type=\\\"text/css\\\">\\r\\n\"+\n\"[for=\\\"passwd1\\\"] { display: none;}\\r\\n\"+\n\"#passwd1 { display: none; }\\r\\n\"+\n\"</style>\\r\\n\"+\n\"\\r\\n\"+\n\"</body>\\r\\n\"+\n\"</html>\\r\\n\"" -search "text(\"</body>\n</html>\")" add rewrite policy RWP-RES-REMOVE_2ND_PASSWORD "HTTP.REQ.URL.PATH_AND_QUERY.SET_TEXT_MODE(IGNORECASE).EQ(\"/logon/LogonPoint/index.html\")" RWA-RES-REMOVE_2ND_PASSWORD bind vpn vserver <NSGW VSERVER> -policy RWP-RES-REMOVE_2ND_PASSWORD -priority…

Advanced Security Management i Office 365

7 years ago | Jonas Back

Redan från start har Office 365 många säkerhetsfunktioner i Security and Compliance Center men med Advanced Security Mannagement får du ännu mer, nämligen: Threat Detection – Låter dig identifiera och få larm på ovanliga aktiviteter i din Office 365. Det finns över 70 olika indikationer på att något inte står rätt…

Exchange Online mailbox move – Unable to connect to Remote MRS proxy server

7 years ago | Joel Jerkin

Recently in an Exchange Hybrid environment with Exchange Server 2016 on-premise and Exchange Online in Office 365 I encountered the following error message when trying to move a mailbox from on-premise to Exchange Online using New Migration Batch on Remote MRS proxy server: ”The connection to the server ’’…

Palo Alto Networks: Command-And-Control (C2) category has been added to URL-Filtering

7 years ago | Petter Vikström

A new category has been added to Palo Alto Networks URL-filtering. The category is ”Command and Control” or ”C2” and the recommendation is to immediately set the action to BLOCK in your security profiles. C2 was previously included in the Malware category but has now been separated to get…

Reducing the network impact of Windows 10 Feature and Quality Updates

7 years ago | Tobias Sandberg

During Microsoft Ignite I got some great tips of how you can reduce the network impact of Windows 10 Feature and Quality Updates. I would like to share them with you in this blog post. Since Microsoft changed their strategy to Windows as a service concept with continuously Feature Updates…

New modern management features

7 years ago | Tobias Sandberg

On Microsoft Ignite this year I learned that we are going from a classic workplace to a modern workplace. Microsoft refer to this as the digital transformation and that require us to change the way we manage our environments today. The characteristics of traditional PC management is on-premise infrastructure, high…

Publishing XenMobile Self-Help Portal via NetScaler AAA

7 years ago | Xenit

In our deployments of XenMobile we always recommend that our customers use the Two Factor option for enrollment, requiring username, password as well as a PIN created in the administration GUI of the appliance, for the added security. In larger organizations this can put some toll on the administrators which…

Office365 med FSLogix i en fleranvändarmiljö

7 years ago | Jonas Agblad

Eftersom Microsoft hårdsatsar på molnet och Office 365 har det länge varit ett naturligt steg att flytta sin on-prem Exchange till molnet – Exchange-Online i Office 365 för att kunna nyttja de många fördelar den erbjuder. Men det har i vissa fall inneburit försämrad upplevelse för slutanvändarna. I och med…

Uppsättning av accesspunkter med hjälp av Device Profile

7 years ago | Jan Frick

Device Profile är en funktion som finns på de senare ArubaOS switchar. Funktionen förenklar uppsättningen av accesspunkter, genom att autokonfigurera portarna som accesspunkterna kopplas in i. För att konfigurera detta så skall först en profil skapas på switchen, där konfigurationen som ska gälla på porten som APn kopplas in…

Prepopulate username with NetScalers RfWebUI

7 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

We’ve been seeing an issue with AAA in front of ADFS where credentials entered at the service provider (Office 365 for example) doesn’t populate the username in the NetScaler login, which works with ADFS. This isn’t the biggest issue, but something that makes it annoying to use AAA instead of…

Exchange 2016 – EventID 15021 HttpEvent

7 years ago | Joel Jerkin

In a recent case with one of our customer we had an issue with mail flow that wasn’t working as expected for one of the Exchange 2016 server in the environment. Starting Exchange Management Shell gave us the following error message: Connection to remote server MBX01.contoso.local failed with the…

Guest access in Microsoft Teams

7 years ago | Joel Jerkin

Yesterday Microsoft made one of the most request feature for Microsoft Teams general available, Guest Access for external users. Guest access allows you to add people from outside your company and organisation to a team, so they can participate in chats, join meetings, collaborate on documents and more.

Skype for Business will be upgraded to Microsoft Teams

7 years ago | Joel Jerkin

Last night, a couple of Office 365 users received the following popup in the portal that Skype for Business is now Microsoft Teams and they should start using Teams: In the Office 365 Admin Portal, MC118018 was published by Microsoft and later removed, stating that…

Whats new in Configuration Manager Technical Preview 1708

7 years ago | Tobias Vuorenmaa

Microsoft recently released Technical Preview 1708 and with it came some new cool features. SOFTWARE CENTER CUSTOMIZATION Add a custom logo, change color in software center and hide tabs. Its all done through the Client Settings for Software Center. In my example i added a logotype changed the color…

SCCM – Shrink the SQL Server Reporting Services log and change the maxsize

7 years ago | Tobias Sandberg

The default maxsize value of the ReportServer logfile (ReportServer_log.ldf) is 2 TB. If you haven’t changed that value and your disk size is lower then 2 TB (which is very common) you will eventually fill up that entire disk space. When that happens you need to shrink the logfile before…

Update for Windows is already installed on this computer?

7 years ago | Jonas Brammesjö

En del uppdateringar från Windows Update misslyckas vid installation med en prompt om att uppdateringen redan är installerad. Ett återkommande exempel är KB3146978 som listas som en rekommenderad hotfix för RDS 2012 R2 Session Hosts. I ett flertal miljöer har jag sett att KB3146978 inte listas under Installed Updates, Systeminfo,…

Scout 3.0 släppt med XenApp 7.14

7 years ago | Stina Perbo

I samband med att XenApp/XenDesktop 7.14 media blev tillgängligt 2017-06-09 ingår även Scout v3.0 med i mediet. Scout GUI Scout är ett verktyg för Citrix-administratörer att enkelt kunna samla in diagnostik och loggfiler från en Delivery Controller eller VDA. Loggfiler kan sedan laddas upp till…

Configure Google Chrome in a multi-user environment

7 years ago | Adam Clark

Installing and configuring Google Chrome in a multi-user environment can be everything but easy. More and more users change from Internet Explorer to a much more convenient browser and they expect to use it in business too. In this post, I will provide a short tutorial how I usually install…

SCCM – Application installation summary report

7 years ago | Tobias Sandberg

This post will describe how to create an application installation summary report in SCCM. This is a great tool to have when you’re for example doing a health check of your applications and different versions of them. The report is built in Microsoft SQL Server Report Builder and you can…

DirectAccess with Teredo Protocol requires ICMP traffic to be allowed

7 years ago | Rasmus Kindberg

With Microsoft DirectAccess (DA) you have three different protocols that you can utilize, with 6To4 and Teredo being the primary ones and IPHTTPS being the fallback if both primary fail/are not configured correctly (6To4 is attempted before Teredo). One thing that is different with Teredo protocol is that the DirectAccess…

OS deployment using same MAC address for multiple clients

7 years ago | Stina Perbo Utas

OS deployment using the same staging dock for multiple clients is a bit of an issue, and there are many different solutions to the problem but all have their downsides. I did a quick search and found two probable candidates to tackle. UUID staging The idea is to…

XenMobile 10.6 – Mycket nytt i senaste versionen

7 years ago | Xenit

  Citrix släppte i dagarna en ny version av XenMobile, 10.6, vilken innehåller flera efterlängtade funktioner och fixar. Bland nyheterna finns bland annat stöd för personliga kalendrar, virtuella smartkort och hantering av systemuppdateringar för iOS. För första gången på länge har det även kommit en uppdatering till Enterpriseversionen av…

Hantera macOS-enheter med hjälp av XenMobile

7 years ago | Xenit

Att hålla koll på macOS-enheter i ett företagslandskap kan vara allt annat än smidigt. Leverans av certifikat, hantering av rättigheter och låsning av förlorade enheter behöver speciallösningar för att kunna fungera i ett landskap som är baserat på Microsoft AD. Många företag väljer idag att exempelvis rulla ut klientcertifikat manuellt…

Provisioning services – Activate SMB2 for better security and performance

7 years ago | Stina Perbo

When installing Provision Services 7.x and below on a Windows 2008 R2 or Windows 2012 R2 – The Provisioning installer will disable SMB2 and only allow SMB1 on the server. NOTE: SMB2 will still be enabled with a new install of PVS 7.13 (Thanks Andrew Wood). Verify which…

Skapa SpamAssassin-signaturer för blockering av ransomeware-kampanjen Torrentlocker/Crypt0l0cker

7 years ago | Stina Perbo

Just nu pågår en ransomware-kampanj som försöker infektera privatpersoner och företag genom bluff-mail (spam). Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap har gått ut med signaturer som kan användas för att identifiera och blockera kampanjen på följande länk: Signaturer för pågående ransomware-kampanj. Signaturerna innehåller tre länkar till…

NetScaler user authentication to backend with cookies

7 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

A system one of my co-workers are load balancing and configuring AAA/SSO uses cookies for authentication. The username is inserted using a cookie, for example ”username=simon”. It’s very easy to first of all identify this cookie and modify it to another value, which makes it insecure. The idea we got…

Windows Login prompt with Single Sign-On XenApp

7 years ago | Adam Clark

Lately some customers reported they didn’t get Single Sign-On all the way into the desktop when logging in via the browser to StoreFront. Single Sign-On worked partly with automatic login to the StoreFront desktop/application view, but whenever they tried to start a new session the users faced a Windows login…

Convert SCCM schedule to readable format

7 years ago | Stina Perbo Utas

Reading SCCM Maintenance Windows is not an easy thing to do from WMI as they are stored as 16 char hex values To get the schedule hex values simply run the below line, but the result might not be easy to understand Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'ROOT\ccm\Policy\Machine\RequestedConfig' -Class CCM_ServiceWindow | Select -ExpandProperty…

NetScaler SD-WAN WANOP – Hur initieras en optimerad TCP-session?

7 years ago | Jonas Brammesjö

NetScaler SD-WAN WANOP Edition försöker optimera all trafik som passerar enhetens interface men det är TCP sessionens Handshake som avgör om en den ska optimeras eller ej. Sessioner som bedöms som icke-otimerbara passerar enhetens interface utan påverkan men sessioner som istället bedöms som optimerabara kommer att dra nytta av den…

Citrix PVS: UEFI Boot of Targets

7 years ago | Rasmus Kindberg

If you wish to perform UEFI boot of Targets that are provisioned using Citrix PVS, below are the settings (mainly DHCP) that you need to apply. Majority of the info below was taken from this Citrix PowerPoint presentation. If using Boot Device Management file (BDM):…

Filtering list in NetScaler and converting to XML using Policy Extension – v2

7 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

As I’ve stated, my knowledge of Lua and development is very limited. My good friend Ulrik pointed out to me that the code I was using (in my previous blog post) wasn’t optimized and helped me get it both faster and easier to understand. It’s actually works better…

Filtering list in NetScaler and converting to XML using Policy Extension

7 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

UPDATE: Updated the Lua-code, which seems to work better and is about 21 times faster. Big thanks to Ulrik! You can find the updated code here. There was a question on the Citrix discussion forums where an administrator wants to output the groups a user is member of…

StoreFront for Web med Firefox 52

7 years ago | Adam Clark

NPAPI är ett API som används för att identifiera plugin för webbläsare och tillåta dem att köras när man går in på sidor som kräver dem. API:et är väldigt gammalt och det finns många mer moderna och smidiga lösningar än att använda just NPAPI. För att få webutvecklare att gå…

NetScaler expression for matching paths

7 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

I’ve been using a few different ways of matching paths in pattern sets, and in the beginning I used two different (one for equals and one for starts with) – but after a few rounds with both customers and Citrix we’ve come up with a really simple way of matching…

Using NetScaler and MaxMind API to insert GeoIP headers to backend

7 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

There are some really great blog posts out there regarding GeoIP and NetScaler (Neil Spellings for example). In this case, I need to insert City, Country and Continent into headers to the backend. My first thought was to use the internal GeoIP (location) database in NetScaler, but it isn’t…

Redirect users with mailboxes in Office 365 from Exchange using NetScaler

7 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

I wrote a blog post about smart links to Office 365, but there’s also a way to make sure users with their mailboxes in Office 365 automatically are redirected to their Outlook Web Access there (with SSO). They key lies in using a 307 redirect instead of 301 or…

Office 365 smart links with NetScaler and ADFS

7 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

A common issue in organizations moving to Office 365 is the different URLs the users have to remember. This can be made easier by for example smart links, where the users only have to remember something like ”” or ””. This is something we can easily do with NetScaler…

AAA form fill not working with Secure Web and CSRF token

8 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

One of the best things about XenMobile and Secure Web is the SSO integration with NetScaler. It usually ”just works”, but I actually got into an issue this time that was kind of interesting. AAA form fill SSO using a web browser and AAA traffic policies worked without a…

(tech preview) Using multiple IPs on one NIC with NetScaler in Azure

8 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

Microsoft has released a tech preview to support multiple IPs on the same NIC in Azure. I’ve tried it with NetScaler and seems to be working like expected! More info about it can be found here: Assign multiple IP addresses to virtual machines using PowerShell As always,…

Uppdatering till Skype for Business on Mac, version

8 years ago | Joel Jerkin

Microsoft släppte nu i veckan en uppdatering till Skype for Business on Mac, version Den senaste versionen innehåller en del rättningar på kända fel och buggar, bland de som ska vara åtgärdade finns: Multiple prompts to leave meeting when pressing the hang-up button on a UC USB device.

Uppdatering av Citrix XenApp 7.6 LTSR

8 years ago | Adam Clark

I dagarna släpptes den senaste uppdateringen för XenApp 7.6 LTSR, Cumulative Update 3. Uppdateringen är släppt för samtliga licensnivåer av XenApp. Versioner för CU3 av de olika komponenterna är följande: VDA för Klient OS* 7.6.3000 VDA för Server OS 7.6.3000 Delivery Controller 7.6.3000 Citrix Studio 7.6.3000 Citrix Director 7.6.3000 Group Policy Management Experience 2.5.3000 StoreFront 7.6.4…

Skype Room Systems v2 – enklare Skypemöten

8 years ago | Jonas Back

Äntligen finns det användarvänliga videkonferenslösningar för Skype for Business som funkar till en rimlig kostnad – Skype Room Systems v2 med hårdvara från Logitech (tidigare kallat Project Rigel). Kom in i konferensrummet och starta mötet på en gång med ett enda klick och koppla upp alla via video, ljud…

HTML5 Video Redirection

8 years ago | Adam Clark

I XenApp 7.12 släpptes en policy för HTML5 Video redirection. Policyn optimerar HTML5 multimedia till användare på XenApp och XenDesktop-servrarna. Som standard är den här inställningen avstängd, även fast det står att inställningen är påslagen i i beskrivningen av policyn. För att använda detta behöver även policyn ”Windows Media Redirection” vara aktiverat. Som…

Automatisera Citrix Scout

8 years ago | Jonas Agblad

Om ni inte redan har uppgraderat till de senare versionerna av Citrix XenApp/XenDesktop och kan använda Citrix Call Home får man nöja sig med att använda Scout för er kontroll av Citrix-miljön. Ni kan dock använda detta lilla tips för att enkelt  få en regelbunden automatisk kontroll med några få…

Configuring collectd, InfluxDB and Grafana for NetScaler metrics

8 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

There are a lot of different tools out there to gather and present information about systems. I’ve been looking for something that’s easy to setup and free. In this case, I wanted to present some metrics from NetScaler in nice graphs. I’m using three open source tools working together…

Använd Bidirectional Forwarding Detection ihop med BIRD

8 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

I mitt senaste inlägg skrev jag lite kort om hur OSPF kan användas för att skapa en dynamisk routing med BIRD. Det finns en ytterligare funktion för att snabba upp feldetektering och förändra routing-tabellen så fort det bara går. Funktionen kallas Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) och går snabbt att…

XENAPP/XENDESKTOP 7.12 – Local Host Cache

8 years ago | Stina Perbo

Citrix har släppt Xenapp/XenDesktop 7.12 och åter introducerat en mycket efterfrågad funktion som tidigare funnits i XenApp 6.x versioner. Funktionen är local host cache (LHC) och tillåter användare att ansluta till publicerade applikationer, även om SQL-databasen är otillgänglig. Det sker genom att information från databasen cacheas ner lokalt på Delivery Controllers varannan minut.

Använd OSPF för routing mellan StrongSwan VTI med BIRD

8 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

Jag skrev här om dagen ett inlägg angående att använda OSPF mellan StrongSwan VTIs. Många använder BIRD istället för Quagga för att hantera routing i Linux. I detta inlägg tänkte jag kort visa hur vi kan byta ut det vi gjorde med Quagga och göra det med BIRD…

Using callout to validate API token

8 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

I have a scenario where I need to use AAA / Unified Gateway to authenticate users, but would like to pass-through valid tokens directly to the API without using AAA – if the token is valid. My solution was to create a callout in NetScaler to validate the token,…

GCM ciphers causing issues

8 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

I’ve seen issues with multiple backend applications (Exchange 2013 and custom built web application) where there has been sporadic issues with content being delivered to and from the backend. In the Exchange case, emails got stuck in outbox (was able to recreate the issue by sending large attachments) and the…

Använd OSPF för routing mellan StrongSwan VTI

8 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

I mitt tidigare inlägg beskrev jag hur IPSec-tunnlar kan sättas upp med hjälp av CentOS och StrongSwan. För att slutföra det hela vill vi ju så klart skapa en dynamisk routing mellan noderna så vi inte behöver sitta och konfigurera sånt manuellt. Installation och grundkonfiguration: yum install quagga…

Skapa IPSec VPN med StrongSwan mellan Azure VM

8 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

Jag inledde min tidigare post med att förklara hur jag satte upp ett CentOS VM i Azure med flera NIC, detta för att kunna ta hand om exempelvis IPSec-tunnlar mellan olika Azure-siter men även mellan Azure och on-premises. Varför inte använda Azure Virtual Network Gateway? Den fungerar ju fantastiskt bra, men…

Skapa VM med flera NIC i Azure ARM

8 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

Jag har suttit med ett antal virtual appliances från exempelvis Citrix (NetScaler), Cisco (CSR) och Palo Alto Networks (VM-series) och började fundera kring om jag kan ersätta exempelvis CSR med en billigare variant – exempelvis CentOS – som kan ge högre bandbredd utan några krav på licenser och liknande. Efter…

Hämta Office 365 IP-adresser via PowerShell

8 years ago | Joel Jerkin

I vissa Office 365 uppsättningar, främst Hybrid behöver man tillåta att Office 365’s tjänster får kommunicera emot sina interna resurser. Exempelvis behöver man i Exchange Hybrid uppsättningar tillåta IP-adresserna som Exchange Online använder sig utav i en Receive Connector lokalt för att få skicka mail inom samma organisation mellan…

Visio Online och Visio Viewer för iOS

8 years ago | Joel Jerkin

Bild: Microsoft har gått ut med att ytterligare en produkt i Office 365 sviten kommer finnas tillgänglig direkt i webbläsaren, nämligen Visio i form av Visio Online. I Visio Online får man möjlighet att se Visio-diagram direkt i webbläsaren men även valet att öppna och redigera diagramet…

Tenant isolering i Office 365

8 years ago | Joel Jerkin

Att Microsoft använder en delad infrastruktur i Office 365 för sina kunder är inte någon nyhet men hur separerar de kundinformationen mellan olika kunder (tenants)? I en uppdaterat whitepapper sammanfattar och förklarar Microsoft hur de ur ett säkerhet, integeritet och tillgänglighetsperspektiv separerar informationen mellan olika tjänster och kunderna. Dokumentet…

Manually configuring Unified Gateway

8 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

I’m writing this post in English to make it easier for our non-Swedish readers. I’m going to try and explain how to configure Unified Gateway, without the wizard! I’ll try to let the commands speak for themselves, but feel free to comment if you need me to add some…

Skapa ISO med Powershell

8 years ago | Jonas Agblad

När man bara kan ansluta till en server via till exempel konsol eller ILO som saknar nätverksanslutning kan det lätt bli omständligt att föra över filer eller verktyg till den tilltänkta servern. På Microsoft Script Center har Chris Wu publicerat ett Powershell skript för att skapa ISO-filer. ISO-filen kan man…

Applocker eventlog audit report

8 years ago | Stina Perbo Utas

Applocker is a great resource to avoid malicious code and applications, however it’s not always easy to inventory the applications in your environment. To solve this Applocker can be configured to audit only for a time and clients can upload logs to a server which can then be filtered with…

Citrix StoreFront 3.X – Varning för .NET 4.6.2!

8 years ago | Adam Clark

För inte så länge sedan kom en ny version av .NET som ersätter nuvarande versioner av .NET 4.6 och .NET 4.5 (närmare bestämt 4.6.1 och 4.5.2). Jag skulle vilja varna alla som driftar Citrix-miljöer från att installera denna nya version av .NET på era StoreFront-servrar som kör Windows…

XenApp och XenDesktop 7.11

8 years ago | Adam Clark

Citrix har äntligen släppt den version av Citrix XenApp och XenDesktop som kommer supportera Windows Server 2016 från dag ett (även kallat zero-day support). Som många redan känner till så blev det sedan i somras officiellt från Microsofts håll att Windows Server 2016 kommer bli släppt under årets upplaga…

Oregelbunden loggning av inloggningar i Citrix Director

8 years ago | Adam Clark

Här om dagen upptäckte vi att Citrix Director inte loggade/visade alla inloggningar i en kunds XenApp 7.6-miljö. Utav en miljö som består av ca 250 inloggningar per dag, kunde vi motsvarande se ungefär 40 stycken inloggningar mellan 07:00-09:00.   Vid närmare utredning så såg vi att registervärdet i ”HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run”…

Felmeddelande IcaTS_X64.msi vid avinstallation av VDA 7

8 years ago | Adam Clark

En kund fick problem vid en avinstallation av Citrix Virtual Delivery Agent 7.9 (VDA 7.9) med felmeddelande ISSUE: MSI File 'IcaTS_x64.msi' failed with code 'InstallFailure' (1603) Vid närmare utredning så försökte vi att avinstallera IcaTS_X64.msi manuellt med MSIEXEC. Vi undersökte vilken GUID vi skulle behöva för att avinstallera detta manuellt…

ADFS – Test av autentisering

8 years ago | Joel Jerkin

Efter en installation och konfiguration av ADFS vill man säkerställa att autentisering fungerar, ett enkelt sätt att testa detta är att besöka: Sitter man internt, får man möjligheten att klicka på Sign In och därefter är man inloggad:   Sitter man externt får…

Ninite <3 SCCM

8 years ago | Stina Perbo Utas

Ninite Pro Har man inte använt sig av Ninite hemma har man definitivt gått miste om en fantastisk produkt. I korta drag är det till för alla som ej vill besvära sig med att lägga tid på konstant paketering och uppdatering av de vanligaste applikationer. I skrivande stund supporterar Ninite Pro 112…

ADFS Single Sign-on med Google Chrome

8 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

Många använder Google Chrome istället för Internet Explorer i arbetet. Har man en domänjoinad dator och fungerande Single Sign-on med Internet Explorer finns det ett enkelt sätt att aktivera det för Google Chrome i ADFS, det enda som behöver göras är att lägga till en ytterligare UserAgent i paramtern för Windows…

bounSky – perfekt för dig som sköter Skype for Business / Lync miljöer

8 years ago | Jonas Back

Om du arbetar som admin eller utvecklare för flera Skype for Business / Lync miljöer så känner du säkert igen att logga in och ut ur olika miljöer och tiden det tar att logga ut/in och skriva in lösenord hela tiden. Här kan bounSky hjälpa dig. Det är ett litet…

Microsoft kommer med ett nytt sätt att hantera patchar

8 years ago | Jonas Back

Ni har säkert märkt att Windows 10 och Windows Server 2016 fungerar annorlunda kring patchning. Där släpper Microsft 1 st uppdatering som innehåller samtliga fixar och de är även kumultativa, det vill säga, installerar du en ny maskin, kör Windows Update så laddar den bara ner den senaste uppdateringen och då inkluderar…

Windows Server 2016: Hyper-V Discrete Device Assignment

8 years ago | Jonas Brammesjö

En stor nyhet i Windows Server 2016 och Hyper-V är möjligheten att via Discrete Device Assignment vidarekoppla enheter anslutna med PCI-Express till virtuella maskiner. Det har t.ex. sedan tidigare varit möjligt att vidarekoppla grafikkort till en VDI-infrastruktur…

Exmon (Exchange Server User Monitor) för Exchange 2013/2016

8 years ago | Jonas Back

Exmon finns numera för Exchange 2013 och 2016. Det är ett verktyg för att få bättre koll på vad det är för klienter som kopplar upp dig mot en Exchange on-premise miljö. Verktyget har länge funnits för tidigare versioner för Exchange och har varit väldigt viktigt i Exchangemigreringar där det…

XenServer Hotfix XS70E004 viktig vid installation av XenServer 7.0

8 years ago | Jonas Brammesjö

Vid installation av och uppgradering till XenServer 7.0 finns det en överhängande risk att data på anslutna SR blir korrupt. Citrix rekommenderar därför inte bara installation av hotfix XS70E004 som löser problemet utan skriver till och med att alla som har installerat XenServer 7.0 måste installera hotfixen. Länk till…

Skype for Business och Lync Centralised Event Viewer Tool

8 years ago | Jonas Back

Alla som administrerat en större Skype for Business / Lync miljö vet hur komplicerat det är att få en bra vy över event loggarna på alla servrarna. Ofta får man helt enkelt logga in på respektive server och titta på dem manuellt. På sin höjd har man en anpassad MMC…

FindTime – som Doodle fast för företag

8 years ago | Jonas Back

Alla vet hur svårt det är att hitta en lämplig tid för ett möte där många externa parter är involverade eftersom man inte har möjlighet till att kontrollera andras kalendrar/FreeBusy som man kan internt. För konsumenter så har tjänsten Doodle varit väldigt populär men det har inte funnits något bra…

Inventera patchjobb

8 years ago | Stina Perbo Utas

Verifiera patchar på servrar är något som måste göras och är ofta tidskrävande. Det finns verktyg från Microsoft samt övervakningssystem för att skanna patchnivå m.m men ibland behövs det endast en snabb första kontroll för att se till att servrarna har blivit patchade. Jag har skrivit några rader…

Lastdelning av ADFS med NetScaler

8 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

Tänkte bara skriva ner några korta steg för hur jag användare Citrix NetScaler för lastdelning (och ersättare för ADFS Proxy / WAP). Nedan är hur jag gjort i tidigare version (innan 11.1) då SNI inte var supporterat. Konfiguration på NetScaler: # Skapa ett pattern set för att förenkla förändringar…

Integrera Application Virtualization med Citrix Provisioning Services

8 years ago | Adam Clark

För ett tag sedan var jag i ett projekt där vi ville använda Microsoft Application Virtulization (App-V) 5.1 och Citrix Provisioning Services (PVS) 7.8. Detta är fortfarande ett relativt outforskat område även om möjligheten har funnits under en längre tid. Under projektets gång stötte vi på två stycken problemområden; startmeny och…

Ny version av Imprivata OneSign

8 years ago | Xenit

Xenits partner Imprivata har nyligen släppt version 5.2 av sitt marknadsledande system för Single Sign-On och användarautentisering, OneSign. Den nya versionen innehåller en rad förbättringar men även nya funktioner som kan förenkla vardagen för både IT-personal och slutanvändare.

Ransomware – blir mer och mer intelligenta

8 years ago | Jonas Back

Ransomware, cryptovirus, fortsätter att spridas och är ett stort problem idag. De blir mer och mer intelligenta vilket vi skrivit om i Ransomware – lite mer teknik och missuppfattningar. Nu på sistone så har vi sett fler ransomware som siktar på Office 365 kunder och med ransomware Cerber. Med hundratals…

Sammanställning av How-to guider för NetScaler

8 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

Citrix har publicerat en KB-artikel för hur man gör ett stort antal olika saker i NetScaler, vilken skall fyllas på framöver i och med att de publicerar mer. Citrix Support Knowledge Center – NetScaler: How Do I? De har i skrivande stund redan publicerat ett större antal…

Sätt statisk DNS för ett VM i Azure med ASM

8 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

Med Azure Service Management går det endast att byta DNS-inställningar för VM genom att ändra det på virtual network, vilket kanske inte är önskvärt (exempelvis om det finns flera VM som behöver ha dessa DNS-inställningar för att fungera). Lösningen är då att skapa VM:et med DNS-inställningarna från början. Har…

Flytta Hyper-V VM till Azure

8 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

Det finns många sätt att flytta Hyper-V VM till Azure, i detta fallet beskriver jag hur det kan göras till ett befintligt virtual network (classic / Azure Service Management – ASM). Kortfattat är det följande som behöver hanteras: (denna guide utgår från att VM:et kört sysprep innan det importeras)…

Publicera RDP Proxy-länk via StoreFront

8 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

Sedan ett tag tillbaka har NetScaler Gateway inte bara möjlighet att agera ICA Proxy för XenApp och XenDesktop, utan kan även agera RDP Proxy åt Remote Desktop Session Hosts. För att dra nytta av detta har man antingen behövt publicera länken via Clientless-portalen som finns i NetScaler Gateway alternativt…

Windows Server 2016: Remote Desktop Services (RDS) nyheter

8 years ago | Jonas Back

Windows Server 2016 bjuder på många nyheter inom RDS (Remote Desktop Services). De tre främsta områdena är: Grafik Skalbarhet Azure Grafik Microsoft har investerat mycket tid att få till ett bättre stöd för hårdvarugrafikkort i 2016. I tidigare versioner var fokus mer på ”Information Worker”, det vill säga Officepaketet, surf, video…

Microsoft MDM-lösningar

8 years ago | Jonas Back

Det finns många MDM (Mobile Device Management)-lösningar från flera leverantörer där ute. I denna post tänkte jag diskutera de lösningar som Microsoft har och vad som tekniskt skiljer dessa åt. Xenit arbetar med flera leverantörer av MDM-lösningar – behöver du hjälp att välja rätt MDM-lösning för dig – kontakta oss!…

Testa hastigheten till Azure datacenters

8 years ago | Jonas Back

Intresset för Azure är enormt bland våra kunder, speciellt våra kunder som har kontor över hela världen. Men vilket datacenter ska man välja när man bygger sina tjänster i Azure? Är verkligen det datacenter som fysiskt ligger närmast det man har snabbast svarstider till? Det finns en bra tjänst för…

Provisioning av Windows 2012 R2 – ShortFileName

8 years ago | Stina Perbo

I Windows 2012 R2 har det introducerats flera förbättringar. En förbättring är att Microsoft valt att stänga av vissa funktioner som tidigare varit aktiverade för bakåtkompabilitet. En sådan funktion är ShortFileName (SFN), även kallat 8dot3 Name Creation (8dot3), som Microsoft valt att inaktivera på nya diskvolymer som läggs till på…

Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances

8 years ago | Jonas Brammesjö

Det är nästan alltid rekommenderat och en mycket god idé att placera sina databaser på en Microsoft SQL Server som i någon form är högt tillgänglig. Det är tyvärr ganska vanligt att till exempel databaser för Citrix XenApp, XenDesktop och Microsoft Remote Desktop Services hamnar på…

NetScaler Unified Gateway och RDP Proxy

8 years ago | Jonas Brammesjö

Många företag har under en längre period förlitat sig på Microsofts Forefront Unified Gateway för extern åtkomst av interna resurser så som RDP, ICA och webbapplikationer. Microsofts Forefront Unified Gateway är nu endast tillgänglig med Extended…

Hög tillgänglighet i Azure virtuella maskiner

8 years ago | Jonas Back

Windows Azure garanterar ett SLA på 99,95% men bara om du bygger dina virtuella maskiner i så kallade Availability Sets. Det finns två saker som kan påverka tillgängligheten för dina virtuella maskiner, underhåll som är planerade eller oplanerade. Planerade – Microsoft genomför periodiska uppdateringar av Azure plattformen. De flesta av dessa uppdateringar sker utan…

Office Online Server Preview

8 years ago | Joel Jerkin

Microsoft har släppt Office Online Server, uppföljande till Office Web App Server, som Technical Preview. I tidigare versionen, Office Web App Server har man enbart kunnat förhandsgranska Word, Excel, PowerPoint och OneNote-dokument i webbläsaren men i nya Office Online Server erbjuder man även nu möjligheten att redigera dokumenten direkt i webbläsaren utan att…

Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection

8 years ago | Stina Perbo Utas

Microsoft tillkännagav nyligen nästa steg i utveckligen av Windows Defender som de kallar Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection (Windows Defender ATP). I korta drag är Windows Defender ATP samma produkt men ansluter till Windows 10 Enterprise Telemetry och utnyttjar Microsofts ”Big Data” moln för identifiering av attacker och sårbarheter i miljön. Enligt…

Office 365 ProPlus – Förtydlingande av versionscyklar och namnbyte

8 years ago | Stina Perbo

Företag har tidigare haft möjlighet att välja frekvensen av uppdateringar för Office 365 ProPlus. Samma möjlighet ges fortfarande men Microsoft har valt att byta namn på de olika versionerna. Nedan tabell listar gammalt respektive nytt namn på de olika cyklarna. Det är viktigt att notera att servicemodellen för respektive version är den samma som…

Svart skrivbord med Citrix VDA 7.6

8 years ago | Stina Perbo

Fler har börjat installera XenApp-miljöer på Windows 2012 R2. Vid installation av XenApp 7.6 VDA-agent på en Windows 2012 R2, kan man eventuellt stöta på att publicerade applikationer och skrivbord inte fungerar optimalt. Som till exmpel ett svart skrivbord när användare loggar in. Symptom: Nedan följer två symptom som kan…

Säker SSL-konfiguration på Citrix NetScaler blev precis smidigare

8 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

Att konfigurera olika inställningar för SSL på Citrix NetScalers virtual servers blev enklare för ett tag sedan då SSL Profiles släpptes. Det man behövde göra då var att skapa en profil, binda den mot den virtuella servern (eller service/serviceGroup om det är en backend profile) samt lägga på ciphers. Detta gjorde att…

Ransomware – lite mer teknik och missuppfattningar

8 years ago | Jonas Back

Vissa av er kanske läst vår bloggpost om 13 steg för att undvika skadlig kod. Den är fortfarande högst aktuell för vi ser att speciellt antalet Ransomware ökar. Även Microsoft säger att 27% av deras säkerhetsärenden 2014 handlade just om Ransomware [referens]. Det råder en del missuppfattningar…

Applikationsanalys med Citrix AppDNA till Windows 10

9 years ago | Xenit

Överväger ni en uppgradering till Windows 10 under det kommande året så missa inte att ta en titt på Citrix senaste version av AppDNA, vilket är ett mycket kompetent verktyg för att granska era applikationers kompatibilitet med olika plattformar, exempelvis Windows 10. AppDNA erbjuder analys av applikationskompatilibitet mellan följande…

Automatisera skapandet av servicefönster i ConfigurationManager

9 years ago | Stina Perbo Utas

När servicefönster skall skapas i Configuration Manager är det ofta en hel del klickande och det kan leda till mänskliga fel. För att minimera risken för fel och effektivisera skapandet av servicefönster mot patch kollektioner skapade jag skriptet nedan. Skriptet loopar igenom alla kollektioner som matchar $Collection parametern…

Imprivata demo – smarta inloggningar

9 years ago | Jonas Back

Det finns många tillfällen då man vill effektivisera inloggningen. I många fall kan man spara mycket tid om användarna behöver mata in sitt lösenord många gånger per dag. I vissa fall är det inte praktiskt att användarna behöver mata in sitt lösenord, till exempel om de arbetar i miljöer utan tangentbord…

Nätverkshantering med open source-produkter

9 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

Det finns många produkter för att hantera de olika aspekterna av nätverket i företag. Eftersom jag från början kommer från en värld med bara open source och sedan gått över till Microsoft så var steget att hantera olika aspekter av nätverket med det naturligt. Det hela började med en produkt…

Skype for Business hårdvara – Använd rätt headset

9 years ago | Jonas Back

Använder du Skype for Business med ett enkelt headset eller kanske till och med din laptops inbyggda högtalare och mic? Då är det dags att titta på alternativen. Vi lovar du får en mycket bättre upplevelse! Det är viktigt att headset:et bär stämpeln Certified for Skype…

Introduktion till Office 365 Video

9 years ago | Jonas Back

Office 365 utökas hela tiden med nya funktioner och en av dessa är Office 365 Video som ingår i Enterprise E1/E3 prenumerationerna. Kort och gott kan man säga att Office 365 Video är som företagets egna YouTubekanal där det är möjligt att ladda upp videos och sedan dela dem. Om…

Backup av Active Directory

9 years ago | Joel Jerkin

Många använder sig utav 3:e partsprodukter som Veeam B&R, Unitreds/PHD Virtual, Backup Exec m.m för att ta backup av sin infrastruktur där flera av dessa har stöd för Application-Aware  / VSS vilket möjliggör backup av domänkontrollanter och Active Directory. Detta är klockrent när man ska återställa en hel miljö och för…

Skype4B Client Tool – verktyg för felsökning

9 years ago | Jonas Back

Ibland när det är dags att felsöka Skype for Busines klienten så vill man ofta slå på loggning, resetta profil med mera. För att slippa behöva leta upp varje gång hur detta görs så har en Microsoftanställd tagit fram ett enkelt verktyg för detta som bland annat kan: Slå av/på…

Enkelt verktyg för att packa upp MSI-paket

9 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

Ibland vill man inte installera MSI-paket, utan endast packa upp dem. Jag använder ofta msiexec för att packa upp filer på följande sätt: msiexec /a <msiFileName> /qb TARGETDIR=<outputDir> Idag hittade jag ett annat verktyg som gör det enkelt för mig. Inte bara ett bra namn utan väldigt enkelt att…

Outlook 2016 – vad du som Exchange admin behöver veta

9 years ago | Jonas Back

Office 2016 släpptes för ett tag sedan och användarna kommer säkert börja fråga efter det. För er som kör Office 365 så har Xenit noterat att funktionen Shared Activation inte alls fungerar i Office 2016 ännu utan Microsoft meddelar att den funktionen släpps i uppdateringen som dyker upp början nästa år.

Microsoft Hyper-V CSV ClusterStorage.000

9 years ago | Joel Jerkin

Vi såg nyligen ettproblem i ett Hyper-V kluster där ena noden inte längre kunde starta VM. Efter felsökning och kollat i loggarna såg vi att ClusterStorage inte var helt korrekt på servern, det fanns både ClusterStorage och ClusterStorage.000. Det var under C:\ClusterStorage.000\  som CSV sharet Volume 1 låg och i…

Informera användarna om Skype for Business

9 years ago | Jonas Back

Vid ett projekt att rulla ut Skype for Business så förutom det tekniska är informationen till användarna väldigt viktig. Att ta fram all denna information själv med text och skärmdumpar kan vara ett rätt stort arbete. Därför har Microsoft tagit fram Skype for Business client awareness and readiness resources som…

Administrative Templates (.admx) for Windows 10

9 years ago | Stina Perbo Utas

Microsoft släppte vad de kallar ”The Complete set of Administrative Template (.admx) files for Windows 10” under tisdagen den 17e november. Detta är release version 1.0 och skall innehålla allt en administratör behöver för att styra Windows 10 datorer. Installationsfiler finns på länken nedan och installeras på en domänkontrollant.

Hur konfigurera DNS-inställningar i DHCP scope

9 years ago | Jonas Back

Nedan uppsättning är väldigt vanlig. Det kan antingen vara hos mindre kunder som bara har en DC (eller en SBS) eller på lokalkontor hos större kunder som då även har en site-to-site-VPN/WAN-länkar till central datahall. En vanlig konfiguration vi ser är att man på DHCP-scopet delar ut den lokala…

Autentisering på trådat nätverk

9 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

Många ser över säkerheten på olika sätt. En del av vad som bör ses över är att datorer som exempelvis inte är med i domänen inte ska ha åtkomst till resurser på produktionsnätet. Ett enkelt sätt att lösa detta är att aktivera autentisering på switcharna ihop med RADIUS. Det…

Nya Licensing Briefs för MS Office 2016

9 years ago | Xenit

Nya licensing briefs har nu släppts för MS Office 2016: Traditionell licens på volymavtal: Office365 subscription på volymavtal: Dessa är faktiskt rätt så bra, cirka 10 sidor med kortfattad information om saker att tänka på kring Office 2016-licensiering. Exempel på bra…

Introduktion till Remote Graphics

9 years ago | Xenit

För er som är intresserade av att lära er mer om Remote Graphics så följer nedan ett whitepaper från TeamRGE som ger en bra grund i ämnet: Whitepaper: 3D Graphics Smackdown Rekommenderar framförallt: För alla: 27-35: Koncept- och designbeskrivningar för Remote Graphics 47-69 & s. 83-85:…

Antivirus Exclusions for Citrix Environments

9 years ago | Xenit

Det finns ett flertal olika rekommendationer om vilka Antivirus-exkluderingar som bör anges för olika Citrix-produkter. Följande är en sammanfattande översikt av de exkluderingar vi rekommenderar för XenApp/XenDesktop 7.x, Provisioning Services 7.x samt XenApp 6.5. Viktigt att notera är att detta är rekommendationer baserat på ett generellt…

Citrix Display Policies Explained – Optimizing HDX

9 years ago | Xenit

Citrix har kommit ut med en CTX-artikel som ger en bättre (officiell) översikt än tidigare över de olika display modes som är möjliga att ställa in: I artikeln tydliggörs att Thinwire Legacy Mode är rekommenderat utgångsläge för i princip alla fall där Windows 7/Windows 2008 R2 publiceras, vilket kan vara lurigt då…

Hyper-V 2016: LockOnDisconnect

9 years ago | Joel Jerkin

En ny funktion i Hyper-V på Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 3 är LockOnDisconnect. I tidigare versioner av Hyper-V har man kunnat ansluta till en virtuell maskin, där en person redan varit inloggad och återanslutit redan inloggad på maskinen. Person A ansluter till DC01 över console och loggar in med…

Nyheter i Microsoft Exchange Server 2016

9 years ago | Joel Jerkin

Exchange Server 2016 har sedan en tid varit tillgängligt som Technical Preview men igår släppte Microsoft en publika versionen för on-premise. Några av nyheterna i Exchange 2016 är: Förenklad arkitektur Arkitekturen bakom Exchange 2016 är en vidareutveckling av Exchange 2013 där man valt att slå samman Client Access-…

Windows Server 2012 R2 med NIC Team och VLAN

9 years ago | Joel Jerkin

I och med att vi satt upp en ny fysisk Windows Server 2012 R2 (utan Hyper-V) så ville vi få in olika VLAN som servern kan kommunicera ut emot. Följande är konfigurationen som behöver göras, som skapar 3st nätverk, 1 på INSIDE (default) och 2st med VLAN-taggning (DMZ100 och…

Nyheter i Windows Server 2016

9 years ago | Joel Jerkin

Nyheter i Windows Server 2016 Microsoft presenterade igår under Microsoft Ignite det officiella namnet på den nya versionen av Windows Server- Windows Server 2016. Den nya versionen har under en tid funnits i Technical Preview men igår släpptes ny version av Technical Preview – Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 2.

Produktguide för Citrix NetScaler

11 years ago | Simon Gottschlag

Under de senaste åren har efterfrågan av Citrix NetScaler vuxit kraftigt och vi får dagligen frågeställningar om dess många möjligheter. Det finns många olika varianter, kombinationer och modeller av denna populära produkt och nedan är en kort guide för att hitta rätt. Citrix köpte företaget NetScaler i juni 2005.

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