Posted in : Azure Av Linus Lysell Översätt med Google ⟶

5 years ago

In this post we will go over how I use Azure blob to take backup on files on prem.
In our case we needed a scalable, long-term backup for our file share that has data that does not change often. Historically we have very rarely had to recover files from this share and have no issue with recovering time. After investigation we found that Azure Blob matches our needs and with Archive Tier, we get it to a cheap price.
Create a Storage Account and Blob Container

  1. Log in to
  2. Create a resource group

  3. Create a Storage account
    a. Add a new Storage Account

    b. Set Resource Group, Storage account name, Location and other settings.

    c. Go to Review and Create tab and press Create after the Validation has passed.

  4. Create Azure blob container

    a. Set a name on the container and press OK

Copy files to Azure.
I am using AzCopy with the sync parameter to copy new files and files that has been changed. Download Azcopy från
To use Azcopy we have to create a SAS-token I Azure Portal.

  1. Go to Storage Accounts > <Storage Account> > Shared access signatures
  2. Now you have to choose what you are allowing and from which IP-addresses we can run AzCopy from.
  3. Generate SAS-Token.
  4. Now use the SAS-token to create a sync-string.
    Example: .\azcopy sync ”<From>” ”<Container URL>/<Azure Blob><SAS-token>” –recursive=true

In Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer can we now see the files are copied and has Cool Access Tier.

Classify data with correct Tier.
In this case I would have all data in the Archive Tier. I created a Lifecycle Management to see the Tier automatically after 1 day.

  1. Add a new Lifecycle Rule
  2. Add settings for the rule. In my case all files will be in Access tier Archive after 1 day.

You can read more about the Tiers here

Tags : Azure, Backup, Blob, Container

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