Posted in : Citrix, FSLogix, Microsoft, Other Av Jonas Agblad Översätt med Google ⟶

5 years ago

Since Microsoft acquired FSLogix in November there has been some uncertainty regarding licenses and most importantly when it will be available through Microsoft.
Ever since Microsoft acquired FSLogix there has not been much information about whats happening. We know Microsoft had their eyes on Office 365 container solution and potentially Profile containers as well, but what will happened with the rest of the suite, such as App Masking and Java Redirection? Will they disappear or will they continue the support and development of the entire suite?
When Microsoft released their new Windows Virtual Desktop to Public Preview and at the same time their intention with the FSLogix Suite!
As you now probably are aware about, FSLogix will be a part of the Windows Virtual Desktop, but it does not stop there, see below on when you are entitled to use FSLogix suite.


FSLogix will be available with no additional cost if you have one of the following Microsoft licenses:

  • F1, E3, är E5 Microsoft 365 licensing
  • A3 and above for educational and non-profit
  • Windows 10 Enterprise E3 or E5
  • or even If you have RDS CALs


Where and when can I use it?

The really good news here is that its not only available to Azure, you can use  wherever you want, even On-Prem! You cannot acquire the license for this just yet, it will be available in June, but you can however request a trial witch will give you all the functionality an features in the meantime. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like to get a trial to start benefit from this amazing product today!

Wich FSLogix apps is included?

  • Office 365 Containers
  • Profile Containers
  • Java Redirection
  • App Masking

This is really good news since this is a solid product solving head-aching problems, i’m looking forward for this implementation and so should you! If you are looking to implement this solution for your environment, don’t hesitate to contact me at or leave a comment.
Don’t miss my earlier posts about FSlogix for more information:
What is FSLogix Cloud Cache?
Keep your FSLogix VHD-files Optimized!
Convert Citrix UPM to FSLogix Profile Containers
Teams in your mulit-user environment done right!
Outlook Search index with FSLogix – Swedish
FSLogix Profile Container – Easy and fast Profile management – Swedish
Office 365 with FSLogix in a Multi-user environment – Swedish

Tags : FSLogix, license, Microsoft

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