Posted in : Intune, Microsoft, System Center, Windows Av Sebastian Stegrin Översätt med Google ⟶

2 years ago

Since Windows 11 is getting closer and closer, it’s time for companies to prepare for the upgrade. Sometimes companies believe that it’s still far away in the future and therefore they do not need to take any action yet. But if you start to prepare the hardware right now, there will be one less thing to take care of in the upcoming migration.

Microsoft recently announced new capabilities in Endpoint Analytics that give IT departments the tools they need in getting their devices ready for Windows 11. Endpoint Analytics is a very helpful Report and Remediation-tool in Microsoft Endpoint Manager.

This is available for both Configuration Manager, Intune, or co-managed computers.

The report “Work from home” will be able to verify that the correct hardware is used, and correct Windows-version is installed that is compatible to upgrade to Windows 11.

For information, this new report is still in Preview and may not fully function as described. This report is not available for everyone just yet, but will appear within time.

All hardware requirements for Windows 11 can be found here at Microsoft: Windows 11 Specs and System Requirements

The biggest issue right now is that a lot of computers do not have support for TPM 2.0 and therefore they need to be replaced.
Some devices however do have the ability to upgrade to TPM 2.0. This is easily done via a BIOS upgrade and could be verified at the manufacturer homepage if it’s available for your devices.

If you and your company in any case need help to prepare for Windows 11, feel free to contact me at 😊

Reference: Endpoint analytics – Microsoft Tech Community

Tags : Endpoint Management, Intune, MEM, Microsoft, Windows, Windows 10, Windows 11, Workspace, xenit

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