Posted in : Citrix, Microsoft, Virtual Apps and Desktops Av Jonas Agblad Översätt med Google ⟶

5 years ago

I recently troubleshooted an weird issue related to ”Devices and Printers” in an Citrix environment, I was really confused on why this suddenly started showing, and I do not yet know the reason behind it. But fortunately I found a solution, or workaround, call it whatever you want. Se in the problem section to see if you recognize the issue.


I received a case about some users who started having issues with their printers, not when they tried to print, that worked as usual. But when they encountered an issue with the printer and needed to remove and re-install the printer or simply change the default printer, they navigated to ”Devices and Printers” and suddenly they could not see any of the network-attached printers. Witch is really weird, Print Spooler was fine and as I told you before they could print without issue. In fact, when you tried to print from Microsoft Word for example, and you want to change printer, a little window with the printers appears and behold, the printers is visible.


As I told you before I do not know the cause, I opened a Microsoft Support-case but they could not find the reason behind it, they could not see anything strange at all. Since I found a work-around I did not escalated the case.


since this is a Citrix environment, we have provided the shortcut for ”Devices and Printers” to a customized Start-menu, we found that if we modified the shortcut to open an older Shell than Windows Server 2016 is presenting it worked. When creating shortcut do as following:

  • Create a shortcut

Target: %windir%\explorer.exe shell:::{2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D}
Start in: %windir%

  • Save

When the user open this shortcut they will now be able to see their printers!

If you have any questions or even better know why this is happening, please add a comment!

Tags : Devices and Printers, printer, Printers disappeared, Shell

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