Posted in : Intune, Microsoft Av Linus Lysell Översätt med Google ⟶
5 years ago
We are deploying computers with Intune and would give a name with their serial number. We recognized that Intel NUC doesn’t write the serial number in BIOS and have to set it to get it in the name.
Intel VCUST Tool
- Open CMD as Administrator
- Change directory to the folder that contains VSUT64exe.
- Run “VSUT64exe -SMBIOS -Display” to show running config.
- Run ”VSUT64exe -SMBIOS -SS=<Serial Number>” to set Serial Number.
Computer is restarting when you press enter.
- When the computer I starting you have to confirm/reject the changes.
- Run “VSUT64exe -SMBIOS -Display” again to confirm the settings are changed.
Intel Integrator Toolkit
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