Posted in : Applications, Microsoft, Powershell, System Center, Windows Server Av Johan Nilsson Översätt med Google ⟶
5 years ago
TLDR; Go to the Process block.
Ever since I first got introduced to Powershell, I have always tried to come up with ways to include, facilitate and apply it to my my everyday tasks. But for me, using Powershell in combination with SCCM has never been the ultimate combination, the built in cmdlets doesn’t always do it for me, and the gui is most of the times easier to understand.
So when I got a request to simplify removal of distributed content on all distribution points or all distribution point groups, it left me with two options. To create a script what did the desired job, or to create a function that would cover all the possible scenarios. So I thought; ”Why don’t I take these matters in my own hands and create what I actually desire?” That is why I created a script that helped to find the content wanted for removal, and to have the distributed content removed from every Distribution Point or Distribution Point Group.
Lets say that you have 10 Distribution Points, and you have distributed content to 5 out of 10, and you have not been using a Distribution Point Group, the way to go would be to repeatedly proceed with the following steps:
And to do these steps for every distribution point would just take forever. Of course, using one Distribution Point Group would of course be more effective and the ideal way to go, but you might have distributed it to multiple Distribution Point Groups? That is something that already has been thought of, and that is why this script is created. Even if you have distributed it to some distribution points, and some distribution point groups, it will all be removed.
But how does it work? In this demonstration, I will have two packages distributed with similar names. One of them will be sent to a Distribution Point Group, and the other one to 2 Distribution Points. And I would like to have both of them removed from whatever they have been distributed to.
1. Start by launching Powershell, and import the script by running ”. .\Remove-CMAllSiteContent.ps1”
2. Run the script with the required parameters. As shown in the picture below, I searched for ’TestCM’, but it resulted in showing multiple results. The search is done with wildcard, so everything similar to the stated PackageName will be found. All the parameters have a more detailed description in the script below.
- The search can either be done with the parameter -PackageName or -PackageID,
- The parameter -PackageName is searching with wildcards both at the beginning and the end of the stated name. This should be used when you are not sure of the PackageID, or want to remove multiple packages,
- The parameter -PackageID is the unique ID for the specific package you want to remove from the distribution point(s) or group(s). This should be used when you are sure of what you would like to remove,
- The parameter -CMSiteCode is mandatory and must be specified.
3. In this case, I would like to remove both of the displaying packages, so I choose 0 for ’All’, followed by a confirmation (Y / N is not case sensitive)
4. After it has been confirmed, the script will check the following:
- If the content is distributed to Distribution Point Group(s) as an Application,
- If not, check if it distributed to Distribution Point Group(s) as a Package,
- If none of these is correct, the script will check if the content is distributed on each Distribution Point as an Application,
- If not, it will check if the content is distributed to each Distribution Point as a Package.
At the beginning of the script, the content is validated as distributed. If not, it will not be shown. These four steps above covers all distributed scenarios.
5. When finished, we can see that the Distributed content successfully has been removed.
Please read the comment based help to get a better understanding of what is actually running in the background.
<# .Synopsis Removing distributed content on either Distribution Point Group or multiple Distribution Points .DESCRIPTION Instead of removing content from one distribution point one at the time is this function created to serve a multi purpose removing distributed content. .REQUIREMENTS You need to know the SiteCode of your SCCM Environment. This is stated at the top, inside of Configuration Manager (example X01) .EXAMPLE Remove-CMAllSiteContent -PackageName 'TestApplication' -CMSiteCode X01 - Follow the upcoming steps If you know the PackageID, this will facilitate the search. Remove-CMAllSiteContent -PackageID X0100001 -CMSiteCode X01 - Follow the upcoming steps .PARAMETERS $PackageName This parameter is used search for both packages and applications. This is a wildcard search. The parameter is Mandatory. This parameter is set to DefaultParameterSetName. If PackageID is specified, this parameter is not needed. Example: If you have an application named "Test123" and a package named "Test122", and you search for "Test", both of them will be found. $PackageID This parameter is used if you just want to remove distributed content of a single package / application. The parameter accepts ValueFromPipeline & is NOT mandatory This parameter should only be used if you are sure of what content you want to have removed from all the distribution points / the distribution point group. $CMSiteCode This parameter is used to specify the site code. The side code is easyest found inside the Configuration Manager console, or the cmdlet "Get-CMSite". The parameter is Mandatory. .NOTES Name: Remove-CMAllSiteContent.ps1 Author: Johan Nilsson Date Created: 2019-01-15 Version History: 2019-01-15 - Johan Nilsson Initial Creation 2019-01-23 - Johan Nilsson Finishing steps with error handling Created a solution to the issue if one application is distributed to Distribution Point Group and another distributed to to multiple Distribution Points 2019-01-24 - Johan Nilsson Added a Break-part - If the content could be found, but was not distributed to any Distributin Point / Distribution Point Group 2019-02-11 - Johan Nilsson Fixed the issue with the built in cmdlet Remove-CMContentDistribution not being able to remove applications with the PackageID parameter If Distribution is Application - Using Name because SQLMessage = SQL Server Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value PackageID (example X0100001) to data type int. - Resolved this issue by using CI_ID instead of PackageID - Just applications 2019-03-06 Added support to remove OS-Images, Task Sequences and Software Update Packages 2019-03-13 Resolved the issue with single application on multiple Distribution Points #> function Remove-CMAllSiteContent { [CmdletBinding( DefaultParameterSetName='PackageName') ] Param ( # Specify the Package Name [Parameter( HelpMessage = 'Declare the name of the distributed content. This will do a wildcard search both in Packages & Applications. Try to be as specific as possible.', Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='PackageName', Position=0 )] $PackageName, # Specify the Package ID [Parameter( HelpMessage = 'Specify the SCCM Package ID', ParameterSetName='PackageID', ValueFromPipeLineByPropertyName = $true )] $PackageID, # Specify the SCCM Site Code (Example X01) [Parameter( HelpMessage = 'Specify the SCCM Site Code. Example X01.', Mandatory = $true )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $CMSiteCode ) Begin { try { $GetCMSite = Get-Command Get-CMSite -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Try { Write-Verbose "Attempting to import SCCM Module" Import-Module (Join-Path $(Split-Path $ENV:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH) ConfigurationManager.psd1) -Verbose:$false if((Get-Module ConfigurationManager) -eq $null) { Import-Module "$($ENV:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH)\..\ConfigurationManager.psd1" } ## Connect to the site's drive if it is not already present if((Get-PSDrive -Name $CMSiteCode -PSProvider CMSite -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) { New-PSDrive -Name $CMSiteCode -PSProvider CMSite -Root $ProviderMachineName } ## Set the current location to be the site code. Set-Location "$($CMSiteCode):\" Write-Verbose "Successfully imported the SCCM Module" } Catch { Write-Warning "Failure to import SCCM Cmdlets." } } if (((Get-Location).Path) -replace [Regex]::Escape(':\'),"" -eq ($CMSiteCode)) { $DistributionPoints = Get-CMDistributionPoint -AllSite } else { Set-Location "$($CMSiteCode):\" $DistributionPoints = Get-CMDistributionPoint -AllSite } try { $DistributionPointGroup = Get-CMDistributionPointGroup -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Output "No distribution point groups were found" } } Process { if ($PackageName) { $CMApp = @() try { if ($null -ne (Get-CMApplication -Name "*$PackageName*")) { $CMApp += Get-CMApplication -Name "*$PackageName*" -ErrorAction Continue if ($true -eq ((Get-CMApplication -Name "*$PackageName*" -ErrorAction Continue) -ne $null)) { $CMApp | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq $null} | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty Type('ApplicationID') } } if ($null -ne (Get-CMPackage -Name "*$PackageName*")) { $CMApp += Get-CMPackage -Name "*$PackageName*" -ErrorAction Continue if ($true -eq ((Get-CMPackage -Name "*$PackageName*" -ErrorAction Continue) -ne $null)) { $CMApp | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq $null} | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty Type('PackageID') } } if ($null -ne (Get-CMDriverPackage -Name "*$PackageName*")) { $CMApp += Get-CMDriverPackage -Name "*$PackageName*" -ErrorAction Continue if ($true -eq ((Get-CMDriverPackage -Name "*$PackageName*" -ErrorAction Continue) -ne $null)) { $CMApp | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq $null} | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty Type('DriverPackageId') } } if ($null -ne (Get-CMOperatingSystemImage -Name "*$PackageName*")) { $CMApp += Get-CMOperatingSystemImage -Name "*$PackageName*" -ErrorAction Continue if ($true -eq ((Get-CMOperatingSystemImage -Name "*$PackageName*" -ErrorAction Continue) -ne $null)) { $CMApp | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq $null} | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty Type('OperatingSystemImageId') } } if ($null -ne (Get-CMTaskSequenceDeployment -Name "*$PackageName*")) { $CMApp += Get-CMTaskSequenceDeployment -Name "*$PackageName*" -ErrorAction Continue if ($true -eq ((Get-CMTaskSequenceDeployment -Name "*$PackageName*" -ErrorAction Continue) -ne $null)) { $CMApp | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq $null} | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty Type('TaskSequenceID') } } if ($null -ne (Get-CMBootImage -Name "*$PackageName*")) { $CMApp += Get-CMBootImage -Name "*$PackageName*" -ErrorAction Stop if ($true -eq ((Get-CMBootImage -Name "*$PackageName*" -ErrorAction Continue) -ne $null)) { $CMApp | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq $null} | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty Type('BootImageID') } } } catch { Write-Warning "Unable to find Application or Package with name $PackageName" } ## If more than one application is found if (($CMApp.count) -gt 1) { $MoreObjects = @() $i = 1 foreach ($App in $CMApp) { if ($App.PackageID -and $App.Name) { if (0 -lt (Get-CMDistributionStatus -Id $App.PackageID).Targeted) { $MoreObjects += [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $App.Name PackageID = $App.PackageID AppType = $App.Type ObjectNumber = $i } $i++ } } if ($App.PackageID -and $App.LocalizedDisplayName) { if (0 -lt (Get-CMDistributionStatus -Id $App.PackageID).Targeted) { $MoreObjects += [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $App.LocalizedDisplayName PackageID = $App.PackageID AppType = $App.Type ObjectNumber = $i } $i++ } } else { Write-Output "Invalid Package - Going to next app" } } if (1 -eq $MoreObjects.count) { $CMApp = $CMApp | Where {$_.LocalizedDisplayName -eq $} } $MoreObjects += [pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'All' PackageID = '' AppType = '' ObjectNumber = 0 } $MoreObjects += [pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'Exit' PackageID = '' AppType = '' ObjectNumber = 999 } $MoreObjects = $MoreObjects | Sort-Object ObjectNumber if ($false -eq ($ -match $PackageName)) { Write-Output "Could not find any distributed content with the name $PackageName - Exiting this script" Start-Sleep -Seconds 4 Break } if ((1 -eq ($MoreObjects | Where {$_.Name -ne 'All' -and $_.Name -ne 'Exit'}).name.count)) { $MoreObjects | Where {$_.Name -ne 'All'}| Format-Table -AutoSize } else { $MoreObjects | Format-Table -AutoSize } do { if (1 -eq ($MoreObjects | Where {$_.Name -ne 'All' -and $_.Name -ne 'Exit'}).name.count -and $null -eq $ObjectNumber) { $ObjectNumber = Read-Host "Found one application matching the name $PackageName - Please select the Object Number to continue" } if (1 -lt ($MoreObjects | Where {$_.Name -ne 'All' -and $_.Name -ne 'Exit'}).name.count -and $null -eq $ObjectNumber) { $ObjectNumber = Read-Host "Found more than one application matching the name $PackageName - Please select the Object Number you want to remove" } elseif ($null -eq $ObjectNumber) { $ObjectNumber = Read-Host "Found the application matching the name $PackageName - Please select the Object Number you want to remove" } } until ($MoreObjects.ObjectNumber -contains $ObjectNumber) } ## If only one application is found if (($CMApp.Count) -eq 1) { $OneObject = @() Write-Output "Found distributed content with the name $($CMApp.LocalizedDisplayName)" $OneObject += [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $CMApp.LocalizedDisplayName PackageID = $CMApp.PackageID AppType = $CMApp.Type ObjectNumber = 1 } $OneObject += [pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'Exit' PackageID = '' ObjectNumber = 999 } } ## Removing every distributed application / package containing the name $Objects if ($ObjectNumber -eq 0) { $AllObjects = $MoreObjects | Where {$_.ObjectNumber -ne 0 -and $_.ObjectNumber -ne 999} Write-Output "Removing the following distributions: "$($CMApp.Name)"" do { $Confirm = Read-Host "Is this correct? Y/N" } until ($Confirm -eq 'Y' -or 'N') if ('Y' -eq $Confirm) { Write-Output "Confirmed. Removing distributed content from each Distribution Point" ## Foreach application in applications foreach ($Object in $AllObjects) { try { ## If Distribution is Application - Using Name because SQLMessage = SQL Server Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value PackageID (example X0100001) to data type int. ## Resolved by changing to CI_ID if (0 -lt (Get-CMDistributionStatus -Id $Object.PackageID).Targeted) { if (([string]$Object.Type) -eq 'ApplicationID') { try { Write-Output "Trying to remove $($Object.Name) from DistributionPointGroup - Application" Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName (Get-CMDistributionPointGroup).Name -ApplicationId $Object.CI_ID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Output "Unable to remove $($Object.Name) from DistributionPointGroup - Application, trying Package" } } if (([string]$Object.Type) -eq 'PackageID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName (Get-CMDistributionPointGroup).Name -PackageId $Object.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Output "Unable to remove $($Object.Name) from DistributionPointGroup - Application, trying DriverPackageId" } } if (([string]$Object.Type) -eq 'DriverPackageId') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName (Get-CMDistributionPointGroup).Name -DriverPackageId $Object.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Output "Unable to remove $($Object.Name) from DistributionPointGroup - Application, trying OperatingSystemImageId" } } if (([string]$Object.Type) -eq 'OperatingSystemImageId') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName (Get-CMDistributionPointGroup).Name -OperatingSystemImageId $Object.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Output "Unable to remove $($Object.Name) from DistributionPointGroup - Application, trying TaskSequenceID" } } if (([string]$Object.Type) -eq 'TaskSequenceID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName (Get-CMDistributionPointGroup).Name -TaskSequenceId $Object.Id -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Output "Unable to remove $($Object.Name) from DistributionPointGroup - Application, trying BootImageId" } } if (([string]$Object.Type) -eq 'BootImageID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName (Get-CMDistributionPointGroup).Name -BootImageId $Object.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Output "Unable to remove $($Object.Name) from DistributionPointGroup - Exiting script" Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 Break } } } if (0 -lt (Get-CMDistributionStatus -Id $Object.PackageID).Targeted) { foreach ($DistributionPoint in $DistributionPoints) { try { if (([string]$Object.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'ApplicationID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath.Replace("\\","") -ApplicationId $Object.CI_ID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "$($Object.PackageID) successfully removed from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath)" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($Object.PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath)" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'PackageID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath.Replace("\\","") -PackageId $Object.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($Object.PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath)" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'DriverPackageId') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath.Replace("\\","") -DriverPackageId $Object.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($Object.PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath)" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'OperatingSystemImageId') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath.Replace("\\","") -OperatingSystemImageId $Object.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($Object.PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath)" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'TaskSequenceID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath.Replace("\\","") -TaskSequenceID $Object.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($Object.PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath)" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'BootImageID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath.Replace("\\","") -BootImageID $Object.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($Object.PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath)" } } } catch { Write-Output "$($Error[0].CategoryInfo.Reason)" } } } } catch { Write-Output "$($Error[0].Exception)" } } } if ('N' -eq $Confirm) { Write-Output "This was incorrect. Exiting script." Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 Break } } ## 999 is equal to exiting the script if ($ObjectNumber -eq 999) { Write-Output "You chose to exit the script." Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 Break } if ($null -eq $OneObject -and $null -eq $CMApp) { Write-Output "Nothing was found with the name $PackageName - Exiting script" Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 Break } ## Removing the distributed application / package if (($ObjectNumber -ne 999) -and ($ObjectNumber -ne 0)) { $OneObject = $MoreObjects | Where-Object {$_.ObjectNumber -ne 999 -and $_.ObjectNumber -eq $ObjectNumber} ## Selecting CMApp based on ObjectNumber. Starts on 0, therefor -1 if (1 -lt $CMApp.count) { if ("$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].LocalizedDisplayName)" -eq '') { Write-Output "Removing the following distribution: "$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].Name)"" } if ("$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].LocalizedDisplayName)" -ne '') { Write-Output "Removing the following distribution: "$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].LocalizedDisplayName)"" } if (("$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].LocalizedDisplayName)" -ne '') -and ("$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].Name)" -ne '')) { Write-Output "Removing the selected distribution" } } if (1 -eq $CMApp.Count) { if ("$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].LocalizedDisplayName)" -eq '') { Write-Output "Removing the following distribution: "$($CMApp.Name)"" } if ("$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].LocalizedDisplayName)" -ne '') { Write-Output "Removing the following distribution: "$($CMApp.LocalizedDisplayName)"" } else { Write-Output "Removing the selected distribution" } } if (0 -eq $CMApp.count) { Write-Output 'Unable to find any apps, script will now exit' Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 Break } do { $Confirm = Read-Host "Is this correct? Y/N" } until ($Confirm -eq 'Y' -or 'N') if ('Y' -eq $Confirm) { Write-Output "Confirmed. Removing distributed content from Distribution Points or Distribution Point Group" ## If there are distribution point group(s), content will firstly be removed from them if ($true -eq $DistributionPointGroup) { ## Verify that the content is distributed Try { $DistObject = Get-CMDistributionStatus -Id $CMApp.PackageID -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } Catch { $DistObject = Get-CMDistributionStatus -Id $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) } if ($null -ne $DistObject) { if ($DistributionPointGroup.count -gt 1) { '' try { if (1 -eq $CMApp.Count) { foreach ($DstPointGroup in $DistributionPointGroup) { try { if (([string]$CMApp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'ApplicationID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DstPointGroup.Name -ApplicationId $($CMApp.CI_ID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.LocalizedDisplayName) from $($DstPointGroup.Name)" $Removed = 1 } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'PackageID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DstPointGroup.Name -PackageId $CMApp.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.PackageID) from $($DstPointGroup.Name)" $Removed = 1 } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'DriverPackageId') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DstPointGroup.Name -DriverPackageId $CMApp.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.PackageID) from $($DstPointGroup.Name)" $Removed = 1 } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'OperatingSystemImageId') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DstPointGroup.Name -OperatingSystemImageId $CMApp.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.PackageID) from $($DstPointGroup.Name)" $Removed = 1 } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'TaskSequenceID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DstPointGroup.Name -TaskSequenceID $CMApp.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.PackageID) from $($DstPointGroup.Name)" $Removed = 1 } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'BootImageID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DstPointGroup.Name -BootImageID $CMApp.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.PackageID) from $($DstPointGroup.Name)" $Removed = 1 } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } } } catch { Write-Output "$($Error[0].CategoryInfo.Reason)" } } } if (1 -lt $CMApp.Count) { '' foreach ($DstPointGroup in $DistributionPointGroup) { try { if (([string]$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1]).Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'ApplicationID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DstPointGroup.Name -ApplicationId $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].CI_ID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].LocalizedDisplayName) from $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } } if (([string]$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1]).Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'PackageID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DstPointGroup.Name -PackageId $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } } if (([string]$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1]).Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'DriverPackageId') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DstPointGroup.Name -DriverPackageId $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } } if (([string]$CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'OperatingSystemImageId') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DstPointGroup.Name -OperatingSystemImageId $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } } if (([string]$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1]).Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'TaskSequenceID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DstPointGroup.Name -TaskSequenceID $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } } if (([string]$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1]).Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'BootImageID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DstPointGroup.Name -BootImageID $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } } } catch { Write-Output "$($Error[0].CategoryInfo.Reason)" } } } } catch { if (1 -eq $CMApp.Count) { Write-Output "Unable to remove $($CMApp.LocalizedDisplayName) from Distribution Point Group, trying each Distribution Point" } if (1 -lt $CMApp.Count) { Write-Output "Unable to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].LocalizedDisplayName) from Distribution Point Group, trying each Distribution Point" } } try { if (1 -eq $CMApp.Count -and $Removed -ne 1) { foreach ($DistributionPoint in $DistributionPoints) { try { if (([string]$CMApp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'ApplicationID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath.Replace("\\","") -ApplicationId $CMApp.CI_ID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "$($CMApp.PackageID) successfully removed from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath)" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath)" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'PackageID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath.Replace("\\","") -PackageId $CMApp.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath)" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'DriverPackageId') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath.Replace("\\","") -DriverPackageId $CMApp.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath)" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'OperatingSystemImageId') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath.Replace("\\","") -OperatingSystemImageId $CMApp.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath)" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'TaskSequenceID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath.Replace("\\","") -TaskSequenceID $CMApp.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath)" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'BootImageID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath.Replace("\\","") -BootImageID $CMApp.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath)" } } } catch { Write-Output "$($Error[0].CategoryInfo.Reason)" } } } if (1 -lt $CMApp.Count -and $Removed -ne 1) { foreach ($DistributionPoint in $DistributionPoints) { try { if (([string]$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1]).Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'ApplicationID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DistributionPoint.Name -ApplicationId $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].CI_ID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].LocalizedDisplayName) from $($DistributionPoint.Name)" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].Name)from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.Name)" } } if (([string]$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1]).Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'PackageID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DistributionPoint.Name -PackageId $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from $($DistributionPoint.Name)" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.Name)" } } if (([string]$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1]).Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'DriverPackageId') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DistributionPoint.Name -DriverPackageId $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from $($DistributionPoint.Name.Name)" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.Name.Name)" } } if (([string]$CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'OperatingSystemImageId') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DistributionPoint.Name -OperatingSystemImageId $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from $($DistributionPoint.Name)" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } } if (([string]$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1]).Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'TaskSequenceID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DistributionPoint.Name -TaskSequenceID $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from $($DistributionPoint.Name)" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.Name)" } } if (([string]$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1]).Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'BootImageID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DistributionPoint.Name -BootImageID $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from $($DistributionPoint.Name)" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.Name)" } } } catch { Write-Output "$($Error[0].CategoryInfo.Reason)" } } #foreach ($DistributionPoint in $DistributionPoints) { #try { # Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath.Replace("\\","") -ApplicationName $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].LocalizedDisplayName) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].LocalizedDisplayName) from $($distributionpoint.NetworkOSPath)" # #} #catch { # if ($null -eq $SuccessApp) { # Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath.Replace("\\","") -PackageId $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.LocalizedDisplayName) from $($distributionpoint.NetworkOSPath)" # } #} #Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].LocalizedDisplayName) from $($distributionpoint.NetworkOSPath)" #} } } catch { Write-Output "Unable to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].LocalizedDisplayName) - $($Error[0].CategoryInfo) - $($Error[0].InvocationInfo.Line)" } } if ($DistributionPointGroup.count -eq 1) { try { if (1 -eq $CMApp.Count) { ## If Distribution is Application - Using Name because SQLMessage = SQL Server Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value PackageID (example X0100001) to data type int. if (([string]$($CMApp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'ApplicationID')) { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DistributionPointGroup.Name -ApplicationName $($CMApp.CI_ID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.LocalizedDisplayName) from $($DistributionPointGroup.Name)" $Removed = 1 } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.LocalizedDisplayName) from Distribution Point $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } } if (([string]$($CMApp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'PackageID')) { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DistributionPointGroup.Name -PackageId $($CMApp.PackageID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.LocalizedDisplayName) from $($DistributionPointGroup.Name)" $Removed = 1 } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.LocalizedDisplayName) from Distribution Point $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } } if (([string]$($CMApp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'DriverPackageId')) { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DistributionPointGroup.Name -DriverPackageId $($CMApp.PackageID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.LocalizedDisplayName) from $($DistributionPointGroup.Name)" $Removed = 1 } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.LocalizedDisplayName) from Distribution Point $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } } if (([string]$($CMApp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'OperatingSystemImageId')) { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DistributionPointGroup.Name -OperatingSystemImageId $($CMApp.PackageID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.LocalizedDisplayName) from $($DistributionPointGroup.Name)" $Removed = 1 } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.LocalizedDisplayName) from Distribution Point $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } } if (([string]$($CMApp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'TaskSequenceID')) { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DistributionPointGroup.Name -TaskSequenceID $($CMApp.PackageID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.LocalizedDisplayName) from $($DistributionPointGroup.Name)" $Removed = 1 } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.LocalizedDisplayName) from Distribution Point $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } } if (([string]$($CMApp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'BootImageID')) { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DistributionPointGroup.Name -BootImageID $($CMApp.PackageID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.LocalizedDisplayName) from $($DistributionPointGroup.Name)" $Removed = 1 } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.LocalizedDisplayName) from Distribution Point $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } } catch { Write-Output "$($Error[0].CategoryInfo.Reason)" } } if (1 -lt $CMApp.Count) { # If Distribution is Application try { if (([string]$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1]).Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'ApplicationID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DistributionPointGroup.Name -ApplicationId $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].CI_ID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].LocalizedDisplayName) from $($DistributionPointGroup.Name)" $Removed = 1 } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].LocalizedDisplayName) from Distribution Point $($DistributionPointGroup.Name)" } } if (([string]$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1]).Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'PackageID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DistributionPointGroup.Name -PackageId $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from $($DistributionPointGroup.Name)" $Removed = 1 } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DistributionPointGroup.Name)" } } if (([string]$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1]).Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'DriverPackageId') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DistributionPointGroup.Name -DriverPackageId $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from $($DistributionPointGroup.Name)" $Removed = 1 } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DistributionPointGroup.Name)" } } if (([string]$CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'OperatingSystemImageId') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DistributionPointGroup.Name -OperatingSystemImageId $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.PackageID) from $($DistributionPointGroup.Name)" $Removed = 1 } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DistributionPointGroup.Name)" } } if (([string]$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1]).Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'TaskSequenceID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DistributionPointGroup.Name -TaskSequenceID $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from $($DistributionPointGroup.Name)" $Removed = 1 } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DistributionPointGroup.Name)" } } if (([string]$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1]).Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'BootImageID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DistributionPointGroup.Name -BootImageID $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from $($DistributionPointGroup.Name)" $Removed = 1 } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DistributionPointGroup.Name)" } } } catch { Write-Output "$($Error[0].CategoryInfo.Reason)" } } } catch { Write-Output "$($Error[0].CategoryInfo.Reason)" } } if ($true -eq $DistributionPoints -and $Removed -ne 1) { try { foreach ($DistributionPoint in $DistributionPoints) { try { if (1 -eq $CMApp.Count) { if (([string]$CMApp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'ApplicationID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','') -ApplicationId $CMApp.CI_ID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.LocalizedDisplayName) from $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','')" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','')" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'PackageID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','') -PackageId $CMApp.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.PackageID) from $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','')" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','')" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'DriverPackageId') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','') -DriverPackageId $CMApp.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.PackageID) from $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','')" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','')" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'OperatingSystemImageId') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','') -OperatingSystemImageId $CMApp.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.PackageID) from $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','')" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','')" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'TaskSequenceID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','') -TaskSequenceID $CMApp.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.PackageID) from $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','')" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','')" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'BootImageID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','') -BootImageID $CMApp.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.PackageID) from $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','')" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','')" } } } if (1 -lt $CMApp.Count) { if (([string]$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].Type)).Replace(" ","") -eq 'ApplicationID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','') -ApplicationId $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].CI_ID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].LocalizedDisplayName) from $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','')" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','')" } } if (([string]$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].Type)).Replace(" ","") -eq 'PackageID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','') -PackageId $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','')" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','')" } } if (([string]$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].Type)).Replace(" ","") -eq 'DriverPackageId') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','') -DriverPackageId $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','')" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','')" } } if (([string]$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].Type)).Replace(" ","") -eq 'OperatingSystemImageId') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','') -OperatingSystemImageId $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','')" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','')" } } if (([string]$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].Type)).Replace(" ","") -eq 'TaskSequenceID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','') -TaskSequenceID $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','')" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','')" } } if (([string]$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].Type)).Replace(" ","") -eq 'BootImageID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','') -BootImageID $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','')" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.NetworkOSPath -replace '\\','')" } } } } catch { if ("$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].LocalizedDisplayName)" -eq '') { Write-Output "Unable to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].Name) from Distribution Point(s)" } if ("$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].LocalizedDisplayName)" -ne '') { Write-Output "Unable to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].LocalizedDisplayName) from Distribution Point(s)" } } } } catch { Write-Output "Unable to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].Name) - $($Error[0].CategoryInfo) - $($Error[0].InvocationInfo.Line)" } } } else { Write-Output "No distribution was found with $($CMApp.Name)" } } else { Write-Output 'Did not find either Distribution Points or Distribution Point Groups - Exiting Script' Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 Break } } if ('N' -eq $Confirm) { Write-Output "This was incorrect. Exiting script." Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 Break } } } if ($true -eq $PackageID) { $CMApp = @() try { # CMApplication cannot handle PackageID, hence the Where-Object filtering $CMApp += Get-CMApplication | Where-Object {$_.PackageID -eq $PackageID} -ErrorAction Continue $CmApp += Get-CMPackage -Id "$PackageID" -ErrorAction Continue $CMApp += Get-CMSoftwareUpdateDeploymentPackage -Id "$PackageID" -ErrorAction Continue $CMApp += Get-CMOperatingSystemImage -Id "$PackageID" -ErrorAction Continue $CMApp += Get-CMTaskSequenceDeployment -TaskSequenceId "$PackageID" -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Output "Invalid PackageID - Exiting script" Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 Break } ## If there are distribution point group(s), content will firstly be removed from them if (($true -eq $DistributionPointGroup) -or ($true -eq $DistributionPoints)) { ## Verify that the content is distributed if (0 -lt (Get-CMDistributionStatus -Id $PackageID).Targeted) { Write-Output "Found distributed content with the name $($CMApp.Name) - This distribution will be removed" do { $Confirm = Read-Host "Is this correct? Y/N" } until ($Confirm -eq 'Y' -or 'N') if ('Y' -eq $Confirm) { try { if (1 -lt $DistributionPointGroup.count) { foreach ($DstPointGroup in $DistributionPointGroup) { try { if (([string]$CMApp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'ApplicationID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DstPointGroup.Name -ApplicationId $($CMApp.CI_ID) -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.LocalizedDisplayName) from $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'PackageID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DstPointGroup.Name -PackageId $CMApp.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.PackageID) from $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'DriverPackageId') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DstPointGroup.Name -DriverPackageId $CMApp.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.PackageID) from $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'OperatingSystemImageId') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DstPointGroup.Name -OperatingSystemImageId $CMApp.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.PackageID) from $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'TaskSequenceID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DstPointGroup.Name -TaskSequenceID $CMApp.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.PackageID) from $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'BootImageID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointGroupName $DstPointGroup.Name -BootImageID $CMApp.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.PackageID) from $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID) from Distribution Point $($DstPointGroup.Name)" } } } catch { Write-Output "$($Error[0].CategoryInfo.Reason)" } } } } catch { if ("$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].LocalizedDisplayName)" -eq '') { Write-Output "Unable to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].Name) from Distribution Point Group" } if ("$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].LocalizedDisplayName)" -ne '') { Write-Output "Unable to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].LocalizedDisplayName) from Distribution Point Group" } } try { foreach ($DistributionPoint in $DistributionPoints) { try { if (([string]$CMApp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'ApplicationID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DistributionPoint.Name -ApplicationId $CMApp.CI_ID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.LocalizedDisplayName) from $($DistributionPoint.Name)" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.Name)" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'PackageID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DistributionPoint.Name -PackageId $CMApp.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.PackageID) from $($DistributionPoint.Name)" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.Name)" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'DriverPackageId') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DistributionPoint.Name -DriverPackageId $CMApp.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.PackageID) from $($DistributionPoint.Name)" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.Name)" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'OperatingSystemImageId') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DistributionPoint.Name -OperatingSystemImageId $CMApp.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.PackageID) from $($DistributionPoint.Name)" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.Name)" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'TaskSequenceID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DistributionPoint.Name -TaskSequenceID $CMApp.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.PackageID) from $($DistributionPoint.Name)" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.Name)" } } if (([string]$cmapp.Type).Replace(" ","") -eq 'BootImageID') { try { Remove-CMContentDistribution -DistributionPointName $DistributionPoint.Name -BootImageID $CMApp.PackageID -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Removing $($CMApp.PackageID) from $($DistributionPoint.Name)" } catch { Write-Output "Failed to remove $($CMApp.PackageID)from Distribution Point $($DistributionPoint.Name)" } } } catch { if ("$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].LocalizedDisplayName)" -eq '') { Write-Output "Unable to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].Name) from Distribution Point(s)" } if ("$($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].LocalizedDisplayName)" -ne '') { Write-Output "Unable to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].LocalizedDisplayName) from Distribution Point(s)" } } } } catch { Write-Output "Unable to remove $($CMApp[$ObjectNumber -1].Name) - $($Error[0].CategoryInfo) - $($Error[0].InvocationInfo.Line)" } } if ('N' -eq $Confirm) { Write-Output 'This was not correct - Exiting script' Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 Break } } } else { Write-Output 'Neither Distribution Points or Distribution Point Groups found - Exiting script' Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 Break } } } ## End of the script End { Write-Output "Finished - Exiting script" } }
This can of course be modified with more choices in every step, but at the moment I did not see the need for it.
If anyone have any questions or just want to discuss their point of view regarding this post, I would be more than happy to have a dialogue. Please email me at or comment below.
Tags : #Application, #Distribution, #Package, #Packages, #Script, #Scripting, #System Center Configuration Manager, SCCM, Windows
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