
Grunden för Xenit är vår höga kompetens. Hos oss kan du bli en av de bästa specialisterna i Sverige. Vi gör alltid vårt yttersta och levererar det vi lovat med hög kvalité.


Vi är nytänkande visionärer, unga och hungriga, kvickttänkta och lyhörda. Vi är finurliga och tänker till för att hitta bästa lösningen. Vi är ärliga, uppriktiga och raka i vår kommunikation.


Vi bryr oss och tar hand om varandra, ställer upp och hjälps åt. Vi vet och känner att vi är viktiga och fokuserar på den vi pratar med. Vi lever i en kultur med högt till tak med plats för synpunkter. Och vi har kul på jobbet.

Frihet i din karriär

Våra engagerade och kompetenta medarbetare jobbar varje dag för att skapa frihet för människor. För våra medarbetare innebär frihet en arbetsplats med fokus på personalen, individuell utveckling och arbetsmiljö. För våra kunder innebär frihet att vi skapar förutsättningar för en flexibel och skalbar IT-miljö, där deras medarbetarna kan arbeta var de än befinner sig, när det vill och från vilket enhet de vill.

Lediga tjänster








Det är viktigt för oss att vara det absolut bästa valet av arbetsplats – som ett andra hem!

Vi tror stenhårt på att vi är starkare tillsammans. Därför sitter vi i snygga och centrala lokaler som bjuder in till umgänge och trivsel. Du kommer omges av likasinnade kollegor som alla har stor passion för IT. Kollegorna är också dina vänner och vi hittar på mycket kul tillsammans både under och utanför kontorstid.


Det är högt tempo på Xenit och vi är ett gäng drivna och tävlingsinriktade personer. Känslan av att vara del av ett dream team både inom och utanför arbetet gör det hela riktigt roligt och extremt motiverande.

Hanessa Milaszewski – Workspace

Våra team

Engagerad och certifierad kompetens

Lediga tjänster

Business Intelligence, Analytics & Productivity

Visualiserad data för att förenkla er beslutsfattning.

Collaboration & Endpoint

Specialister på Microsoft 365 och endpoint management.


Specialister inom CloudOps, Azure och Kubernetes.


Specialister på Microsoft Azure.

Network & Security

Specialister på nätverk och IT-säkerhet.


Specialister på support och rådgivning.


Specialister på skrivbord- och applikationsvirtualisering.

Service Management

Tjänsteutveckling, leverans och projektledning.


Strategi, genomförande och support för våra andra team.

Din personliga karriär

Uppnå dina digitala drömmar med oss

  • Hos oss lönar sig hårt arbete. Visar man framfötterna kan man nå hur långt som helst!
  • Vi lägger mycket fokus på att våra specialister ska göra personlig karriär med individuella styrkort, kompetensutveckling och utbildningsmöjligheter.
  • Vi delar med oss av våra specialistkunskaper. Genom att arbeta tillsammans på kontoret lär vi oss snabbare av varandra.
Lediga tjänster

Xenit är fantastiskt på det sättet att vi medarbetare får så stora möjligheter att jobba med det vi brinner mest för! Det finns inga begränsningar kring din egen utveckling så länge du är driven och visar vart du vill.

Jimmy Dao – Service Management

Sociala aktiviteter

Varje vecka har vi Tips & Trix med våra anställda där vi delar med oss av våra specialistkunskaper. Vi har även återkommande träningstillfällen, hackathons, afterworks, middagar och konferenser tillsammans.


Vi har ett stort förmånspaket med bland annat teknikpott, friskvårdsbidrag, sjukvårdsförsäkring, ergonomiska arbetsplatser, rekryteringsbonus, veckovisa medarbetarundersökningar och 0 karensdagar.


Genom att hjälpa våra kunder på deras molnresa bidrar vi till en grönare värld! När företag flyttar till molnet hjälper vi dem att lämna ett mindre koldioxidavtryck.

Vad säger våra medarbetare om att jobba på Xenit?

Jimmy Dao – Service Management

Xenit är fantastiskt på det sättet att vi medarbetare får så stora möjligheter att jobba med det vi brinner mest för! Det finns inga begränsningar kring din egen utveckling så länge du är driven och visar vart du vill.

Adam Clark – Workspace

Det har hänt så fantastiskt mycket sedan jag började här och jag hoppas att det fortsätter så.

Cim Svärd – ServiceDesk

Det som motiverar mig mest på jobbet är mitt Team. Att veta att jag kan ha en positiv påverkan på mina kollegors välmående och att jag alltid har något att bidra med, det motiverar mig.

Gus Johansson – Workspace

Mina känslor inför kommande år är att det garanterat kommer att vara ett utmanade år där jag hoppas få ta del av och lösa mer, fler och större utmaningar tillsammans med mina kollegor och våra kunder.

Hanessa Milaszewski – Workspace

Det är högt tempo på Xenit och vi är ett gäng drivna och tävlingsinriktade personer. Känslan av att vara del av ett dream team både inom och utanför arbetet gör det hela riktigt roligt och extremt motiverande.

Isabella Tinnberg – Kontorsansvarig

Xenit är lite som ett andra hem. Det är väldigt roligt att umgås med kollegor och att tillsammans ta oss an utmaningar, både på jobbet och på våra sociala aktiviteter.

Jonas Agblad – Workspace

Jag tycker att det är belönande att arbeta inom ett område som så påtagligt påverkar slutanvändarna och kunden på ett positivt sätt.

Jonas Brammesjö – Team Manager

Det allra roligaste är helheten och att man får göra så många olika saker. Man möter hela tiden nya utmaningar och måste sätta sig in i nya situationer och lösa de problem som uppstår på ett så snyggt sätt som möjligt.

Oliwer Sundgren – Identity, Collaboration, Infrastructure

Det jag trivs bäst med i mitt arbete är att det är väldigt utmanande och utvecklande, man vet aldrig vilka typer av ärenden som kan komma in till.

Tobias Sandberg – Identity, Collaboration & Infrastructure

Personligen gillar jag att använda den senaste tekniken och att vara så långt fram i utvecklingen som det bara går, därför är det även viktigt för mig att våra kunder får ta del av detta.

Anton Svärd – Servicedesk

Personligen så tycker jag arbetet i Servicedesk är den bästa starten man kan få på sin IT-karriär eller som nystart på sitt nya jobb. Man får verkligen chansen att lära känna hela företaget och möjligheten att kunna bredda sina kunskaper inom alla möjliga områden.

Lediga jobb

Hittar du inte tjänsten som passar dig? Lämna en spontanansökan!


Spontaneous Application

Spontaneous Application

Can't find a specific job ad that suits you?
Why not apply spontaneously?

Xenit has a number of teams, in which we are always looking for new talent 🔥

We regularly recruit for:
 Modern Workplace (Collaboration, Workspace, Endpoint), BIAP (Business Intelligence, Analytics, Productivity), Cloud Enablement (Cloud+Infra, Information Management, DevOps) and Service Desk/Operations.
We're also happy to see profiles within Sales, HR and Business Support, although these positions may be less frequent than technical ones. 
** Please note: If you are looking for an internship, please apply to the available internship job advertisement on our career site. 

If you have a couple of years experience within the Microsoft ecosystem and have worked in the above areas, why not connect with us here?
Or better yet, upload your CV for our consideration 📃

W H Y   X E N I T   ?

Xenit has a well established and efficient career program which is individually tailored to our employees. With Xenit, you are able to learn, specialise and then also change focus if you find that your "calling" changes with time... We want you to join a company where you'll want to stay for a long time, even if your interests shift. 
As a company, we aim to grow too, but not at the expense of diminishing the quality of our consultants. Here you'll get the opportunity to work with colleagues who are considered to be some of the best in the industry within Cloud solutions, Security and Modern Workplace.

Within our career program, we work a lot with mentoring and future planning. It is important that you pinpoint the area(s) that you are passionate about, and then develop within those areas to become the best of the best. Xenit provides paid certifications and training to help you to get there!

**Application information may be shared, in some instances, within the co-native group.

For any more information, contact our Head of Talent Acquisition, Abigail Chapman 💌

Ansök här

Senior Identity Consultant/Architect Modern Workplace

Senior Identity Consultant/Architect

S E N I O R    I D E N T I T Y   C O N S U L T A N T 
Full-time | Permanent

A B O U T   X E N I T
Xenit is a growth company which specializes in Cloud and modern work. We are currently 100+ consultants split between our Goteborg and Stockholm offices. Our committed employees inspire, challenge and encourage each other, while providing extensive value for our customers. 

W H A T   W E   N E E D 🙏🏻
We are looking for a Senior Identity Consultant/Architect to join our Collaboration Team here at Xenit. You will take a leading role within the Identity and Security space, taking our customers from planning stages, through implementation and beyond. 

Examples of potential tasks:
- Designing and implementing Identity and Access management solutions using Microsoft Entra ID and Entra Governance
- Conducting assessments of clients' existing Identity infrastructure and providing recommendations for improvements
- Providing guidance on best practices for securing identities and ensuring compliance with industry standards
- Delivering training and workshops to clients on identity-related topics and technologies.
- Troubleshooting and resolve Identity and Access issues; demonstrating a solid understanding of Microsoft Cloud security features.


C O U L D   Y O U   B E   A   M A T C H ?

We believe our next Senior Identity Consultant has:
- Extensive experience in designing and implementing identity and access solutions within the Microsoft Cloud; including Privileged Identity Management (PIM).
- Proven expertise in Microsoft Entra ID
- A good understanding of Microsoft Cloud technologies, as well as hybrid environments
- Knowledge of modern work practices, cloud-based architectures, and security protocols.
- Strong analytical skill - the ability to design scalable and secure identity solutions
- Experience with taking a leading role in identity-related projects
- Relevant certifications in Microsoft technologies
- Experience with scripting and automation for identity-related tasks using PowerShell, Python, or similar language

It is a BONUS if you have:
- Experience working with a variety of identity providers beyond Microsoft, such as AWS, Okta, or others.
- Experience working with SharePoint Online and the Power Platform.
- Familiarity with solutions in multi-cloud environments and/or multi tenant organizations.
- Certifications in additional identity-related technologies or platforms.
- A drive to share knowledge with others, either through blogs, LinkedIn posts, or through presentations at events.
- Experience working in consulting roles, engaging directly with customers
- Experience from working with Business to Customer (B2C) environments

We also believe that you are a person who:
- Acts on their own initiative, makes things happen and takes responsibility for their work
- Has a passion for identity/security and for protecting people's data
- Has a methodical and structured way of working
- Can understand/analyze complex issues quickly
- Collaborates effectively with others and builds good relationships with both customers and colleagues
- Enjoys sharing knowledge and experiences in order to support colleagues in reaching common goals
- Fluent in spoken and written Swedish and English
- Above all else, displays kindness and compassion in everything they do 💕


W H Y   C H O O S E   X E N I T ?

Benefits 🎁
Xenit boasts a large benefits package, including but not limited to, a wellness allowance, health insurance, föräldralön bonus, ergonomic workplaces, recruitment bonuses, weekly employee surveys, etc.

Super interesting colleagues 🎉

With us you will find spinning instructors, parkour practitioners, gamers, art historians, rugby players, puzzle maniacs, film geeks and much more.
With us, you are free to be who you are. Our workforce is so diverse, that one of the only things each person has in common is an incredible drive and passion for what they do.

Activities ⛹🏻
Each quarter, we have Xenit Inspire where employees are able to share specialist knowledge, information about cool projects, and take part in tasks centered around innovation - workshops and hackathons. We also offer annual conferences, team building and other group activities such as basketball, Gothenburg Lap, yoga and Power Walk.


Xenit was also recently awarded "Career Company of 2024". This prestigious recognition underscores our commitment to fostering a workplace culture that values inclusivity, well-being, and growth.
"Xenit is an outstanding employer where corporate culture and well-being are at the center. Here, the employees are part of a warm and inclusive community where their well-being and well-being are prioritized. By offering an environment where collaboration, creativity and innovation are encouraged, employees can thrive and develop while contributing to the company's success."

Read more about Karriar Företagen here.

If you have questions about the position or the recruitment process, you are welcome to contact our Head of Talent: Abigail Chapman 💌
Read more here:

Ansök här

Senior Azure Specialist (XCET) Cloud Enablement

Senior Azure Specialist (XCET)

S E N I O R   A Z U R E   S P E C I A L I S T
Full-time | Permanent

A B O U T   X E N I T
Xenit is a growth company which specializes in Cloud and modern work. Our committed employees inspire, challenge and encourage each other, while providing extensive value for our customers.

W H A T   W E   N E E D 🙏🏻
We are looking for a driven Senior Azure Specialist to join Xenit's Cloud Enablement Team (XCET).

We are interested in someone who has been working within Infrastructure and Cloud for quite a few years. Maybe someone who comes from a traditional on-premise world and then found their way to Azure?
We'd like to see someone who has experience with transition and transformation projects, and feels confident in their knowledge and expertise.

Examples of potential tasks:
- Customer projects vary from: Implementing Enterprise Scale to Transition and Transformation projects
- Guide customers on their Cloud journey
- Deployment and configuration with Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
- Working with our CloudOps service for our customers, responding to tickets assigned to the team.

C O U L D   Y O U   B E   A   M A T C H ?

We believe our next Azure Specialist has:
- Preferably 5+ years of experience with Azure
(we can be flexible with this based on how much hands on work you have done)
- A technical breadth of experience within Infrastructure - Windows Server, AD, SQL, Networking and Security
- Worked with IaaS and PaaS
- Experience with Cloud Migration and Transformation Projects
- Knowledge about Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure

It is a bonus if you have:
- Automation/Scripting Experience
- Terraform
- Azure DevOps
- Certifications: AZ-104, AZ-305, Terraform Associate

We also believe that you are a person who:
- Acts on their own initiative, makes things happen and takes responsibility for their work
- Finds joy in learning about new technologies, and wants to keep up to date with trends in their field
- Has a methodical and structured way of working
- Understands complex issues and is able to solve them quickly; making sensible and rational judgements.
- Collaborates effectively with others and builds good relationships with both customers and colleagues
- Enjoys sharing knowledge and experiences in order to support colleagues in reaching common goals
- Fluent in spoken and written Swedish and English
- Above all else, displays kindness and compassion in everything they do 💕

W H Y   C H O O S E   X E N I T ?
Benefits 🎁
Xenit boasts a large benefits package, including but not limited to, a wellness allowance, health insurance, föräldralön bonus, ergonomic workplaces, recruitment bonuses, weekly employee surveys, etc.

Super interesting colleagues 🎉

With us you will find spinning instructors, parkour practitioners, gamers, art historians, rugby players, puzzle maniacs, film geeks and much more.
With us, you are free to be who you are. Our workforce is so diverse, that one of the only things each person has in common is an incredible drive and passion for what they do.

Activities ⛹🏻
Each quarter, we have Xenit Inspire where employees are able to share specialist knowledge, information about cool projects, and take part in tasks centered around innovation - workshops and hackathons. We also offer annual conferences, team building and other group activities such as basketball, Gothenburg Lap, yoga and Power Walk.

Xenit was also recently awarded "Career Company of 2024". This prestigious recognition underscores our commitment to fostering a workplace culture that values inclusivity, well-being, and growth.
"Xenit is an outstanding employer where corporate culture and well-being are at the center. Here, the employees are part of a warm and inclusive community where their well-being and well-being are prioritized. By offering an environment where collaboration, creativity and innovation are encouraged, employees can thrive and develop while contributing to the company's success."

Read more about Karriar Företagen here.

Application information may be shared, in some instances, within the co-native group.

If you have questions about the position or the recruitment process, you are welcome to contact our Head of Talent: Abigail Chapman 💌
Read more here:

Ansök här

Microsoft 365 Specialist Modern Workplace

Microsoft 365 Specialist

M I C R O S O F T   3 6 5   S P E C I A L I S T
Full-time | Permanent

A B O U T   X E N I T
Xenit is a growth company which specializes in Cloud and modern work. Our committed employees inspire, challenge and encourage each other, while providing extensive value for our customers.

W H A T   W E   N E E D 🙏🏻
We are looking for a specialist within Microsoft 365 to join our Collaboration Team, and to support our customers through digital transformation. With drive and commitment, you will act as a subject matter expert for Microsoft 365 and its related technologies. Examples of areas and products you will work with on a daily basis are: Microsoft 365, Exchange Online, OneDrive, Entra ID, SharePoint, and Security. 

Examples of potential tasks:
- Supporting customers with M365 apps, such as Teams or M365 Copilot
- Analysing existing ways of working, making improvements, and identifying future needs & goals in close dialogue with customers.
- Mapping, analysing and creating strategies for customers' digital workplaces.
Examples: Implementation plans, permission structure, tenant set-up, migration work, strategy and/or governance.
- Helping customers to understand M365 and how tools can be utilised to facilitate every day work (for example, with workshops and training sessions).
- Possibility to work with Solutions Architecture and help to drive change within organisations.

C O U L D   Y O U   B E   A   M A T C H ?

We believe our next 365 specialist has:
- 4+ years of experience within Microsoft 365 and the previously mentioned related technologies
- Previous consulting experience (has worked face to face with customers and comfortable to do so). 
- Worked with design and implementation of security and compliance within M365.
- A passion for digital workplace solutions, and has practical knowledge of how to implement solutions (based on these technologies) successfully in organizations.
- Interest in supporting businesses with digital tools, road mapping and advisory
- Education and/or relevant certifications
- Good oral and written skills in Swedish AND English

It is a bonus if you have:
- Knowledge of Automation (PowerShell)
- Knowledge of Identities and Conditional Access
- Migration experience
- Knowledge within Azure; specifically within licensing. 

We also believe that you are a person who:
- Acts on their own initiative, makes things happen and takes responsibility for their work
- Has a methodical and structured way of working
- Can understand/analyze complex issues quickly
- Collaborates effectively with others and builds good relationships with both customers and colleagues
- Enjoys sharing knowledge and experiences in order to support colleagues in reaching common goals
- Above all else, displays kindness and compassion in everything they do 💕

W H Y   C H O O S E   X E N I T   ?
Benefits 🎁
Xenit boasts a large benefits package, including but not limited to, a wellness allowance, health insurance, föräldralön bonus, ergonomic workplaces, recruitment bonuses, weekly employee surveys, etc.

Super interesting colleagues 🎉

With us you will find spinning instructors, parkour practitioners, gamers, art historians, rugby players, puzzle maniacs, film geeks and much more.
With us, you are free to be who you are. Our workforce is so diverse, that one of the only things each person has in common is an incredible drive and passion for what they do.

Activities ⛹🏻
Each quarter, we have Xenit Inspire where employees are able to share specialist knowledge, information about cool projects, and take part in tasks centered around innovation - workshops and hackathons. We also offer annual conferences, team building and other group activities such as basketball, Gothenburg Lap, yoga and Power Walk.

Xenit was also recently awarded "Career Company of 2024". This prestigious recognition underscores our commitment to fostering a workplace culture that values inclusivity, well-being, and growth.
"Xenit is an outstanding employer where corporate culture and well-being are at the center. Here, the employees are part of a warm and inclusive community where their well-being and well-being are prioritized. By offering an environment where collaboration, creativity and innovation are encouraged, employees can thrive and develop while contributing to the company's success."

Read more about Karriar Företagen here.


Application information may be shared, in some instances, within the co-native group.

If you have questions about the position or the recruitment process, you are welcome to contact our Head of Talent: Abigail Chapman 💌
Read more here:

Ansök här

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Kontakta mig!

Har du frågor eller funderingar kring våra lediga tjänster? Hör av dig!

Carl Ekener


010 707 35 54